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    Do you know my name?

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    New Dedicated Listening Room

    If you have a concrete floor in the semi attached some may say use it. I’m far from an expert but walls move and so do floors maybe it’s my system but before I gutted it all and put it back it’s a world better now. next is the wife good luck so who has the money ?? was it her or you ? For...
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    Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

    Making my phone jump lol and on ear buds shows what I’ve heard. may I ask how many feet is the mic at ?
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    DAC architecture reimagined - the Cascade DAC

    Does anybody recall the dac v ?? Then sel 1 then the remodel of sel 2 lol. I love Msb but digital moves fast
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    Do you know my name?

    What I meant was little is known of the IRS series overall when I planned on doing a complete restore of my own set I went digging and spoke and emailed plenty of folk While no one knows or took time to make notes on the line this is some stuff I put together the first gen was IRS 1 then 2 then...
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    Magnepans 1.6 no sound

    lol soo nice of them. when a mid died it was the rivet eyelet front to back always was lol. I tried to mash it but the issue was the foil has severed under the eyelet so I tried a epoxy used to conduct like we use on car defroster traces This too was a failure I did find a way though...
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    Fuse and Cable Directionality

    what a great thread this has become truly eye opening and thought provoking I have a question for everyone how long do we need to hear something that has changed before it changes to what it is now permanent in an audio memory ? an example is we change a cable and there is the immediate...
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Can anyone share a link to show info and hotels there ? Thanks in advance
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    Tube vs. Solid State Rectifier for Lampizator DAC

    ss recti is better by specs in Almost all ways , except it switches so this adds a whole different dimension to new issues switching noise adds harmonics among other elements whom ever makes the product must make the product to sound well. Tubes are not holy grail but legendary in using them...
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    Do you know my name?

    Infinity to me made a few good models of note the Rs1b or even 1 were good own a pair the beta to me had a midrange to die for The large panels I think was great but they could not play loud as one driver was used above the two lower mid panels after them I’m not so sure what happened
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    Do you know my name?

    IRS2 A in IRS v previous ?
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    Magnepans 1.6 no sound

    may I ask how connectors ar made from alum to copper or lugs used ? I say this as my IRS have about 100 drivers alum trace they used a Rivet also some solder on rivets one could try to mash the rivets or heat the joint up I did this on a few tweeters over the years I own a pair of Maggie’s...
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    Fuse and Cable Directionality

    fuses used in aircraft or most military I thought were not fuses at all but circuit breakers but not a typical breaker like in panels but Contactors controlled by circuit boards
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    $100k Speaker Cables

    Just what we need is more knobs to adjust
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    Interesting Article About Research on Tinnitus

    Not to get off topic but Using headphones be it to lower noise or for audio effect is So does ear buds I use them often it can take hours to again retain a normal natural sound again has anyone gone to an audio show and feel tense at one room and an ease in the next ?
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    Fuse and Cable Directionality

    The polarity reversal of a device makes perfect sense here. even if 230 volt no neutral. my understanding and what can be measured if this matters is this. there is no Standard on transformer windings meaning direction of windings so if your pre amp is one way and your phono pre is another...
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    Tinnitus Resulting from Covid or Vaccines

    I’m truly grateful for your posts in this. I did take in and off a skew of stuff. Honesty nothing fixes in a totality way. as I take stimulates to help my ADHD symptoms become varying very tough to pin down there are times music is just Annoying seems like music is broken down then this...
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    Fuse and Cable Directionality

    Food for thought. If interconnects have arrows I would think Asside of makers advice it’s a guess but , If cables are terminated differently this can be understood more in effect it to lower or eliminate a ground loop. think like shielded data or signal wires that are shielded only one...
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    Line Source Dipole Versus Point Source Cone: Which Soundstage Presentation is More Realistic?

    I never was a box speaker guy but I have changed a line source that only fires at you still fires behind it’s the distance between you and them that effects things tow helps fix if needed but some tow is bad one thought is Any line source is 3 db compared to 6 db lower in sound level per...
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    8 or 4 ohm with a 6 ohm nominal speaker?

    Yes always try both even if it’s 8 or 4 ohm Speakers Taps are needed but you’re ears are the last thing also how loud you play or distance from your seat to speakers the effects are very noticeable so enjoy and play But keep notes on tracks you know well. This keeps you moving in one...
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    Fuse and Cable Directionality

    Has anyone heard of a cable show called Bullshit ??? penn and teller. that show aligns perfectly with audio gods if we feel good enough about using a product but cannot obtain real information about how All that’s left is the shows name I think all of us have bought or tried things to...
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    Soundsmith Sussurro MkII re-evaluated

    Size of arms 9 or 12 inch I own a 12 it allows me to play the ss smkii gold Very well
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    Soundsmith Sussurro MkII re-evaluated

    I only own this SS Cart met Peter at a show and bought one. I’ve used his Services on few carts what ever he does it improves the original product to me
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    Soundsmith Sussurro MkII re-evaluated

    I own the gold version and to me when setup well it rivals tape in tonal density it’s a tough cart to make work on tone arms though it’s heavy and has a low compliance correct setup is a must no getting close but when it’s done it’s a great sound to me
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    Tube vs. Solid State Rectifier for Lampizator DAC

    I’ve used SS recti over the years plenty of times For one thing if not critical listening it don’t burn exp tube ones. play audio or not if glowing recti is being used. the various SS do have different sounds stage size and position is not good like a tube recti bass to me is best on par...
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    RIP Dicky Betts

    There were the first live band when I was 16 or 17 Seen them and led zep in nyc square garden think Duane was gone already not sure this album has a singer guitarist forgot his name but to me the best most memorable Album The jams on this had my bald head bagging while I worked in my home...
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    RIP Dicky Betts

    not sure what held anyone together in that band On tidal they have live performances One of the best I’ve found as recorded 2003
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    Clarisys Audio Auditorium Loudspeaker

    May I ask what’s the chain your using ?
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    All New Clarisys Audio Minuet Loudspeakers !

    Florian can you explain / Compare in tech from what I heard last year at axpona to this years rooms models. Not including the new flagship st this years show lastly what model does Ron have ?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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