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    Axpona 24’ Mike Lavigne pics

    Power distribution of hotels needs to be understood for one the typical small rooms the vast majority of rooms at shows Rooms are done to nec code and very little separate circuits to have each bathroom is most likely its own circuit so my advise is use a heavy duty ext cord Next the room...
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    Clarisys Audio will show with CAT at Munich

    lol have a safe flight It seems all of your models are far superior to old style panels no tape or glue or foams to rot And let’s not forget the sound improvements!! Have a great show
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    Clarisys Audio will show with CAT at Munich

    The piccolo was I think a great match with the cat amps. And aside of great sound quality the looks alone were very unique. may I ask how you arrived at this models looks ? In many ways audio has evolved into art wirh Sound looks wise and yet your design is nothing like anything else I’ve...
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    Are you an audiophile or a music lover?

    Most definitely music lover , while I love my systems I mostly play jam Wi-Fi boom boxes or earbuds Even if in nyc and playing my big System I rarely sit in the seats most times some 25 or so back at my desk working Kind of like a live band is playing over there thing. If I do sit down...
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    AXPONA 2024 Ron Reporting

    Has Ron made any comments back at Mike’s comments I’ll say this ron is a busy man and I do enjoy his commentary and videos
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    Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

    I don’t know the control parameters but if they can control the bass they had it turned up too high If im correct this makes some tracks loose balance the vocals and certain genre is second to none But it’s fine line often crossed The big ones I can’t remember well. While it’s a so called...
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    Does Analog EQ belong in State of the Art Systems?

    A few thoughts on EQ in the analog domain sometimes it’s better to lower a freq that’s an issue fixing the room is apostolate but having an eq any kind can help sort things out to use EQ as the fix per say for my self dont work as it then changes music track by track. anyone should agree...
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    Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

    Anyone have thoughts on the MBL room at axpona 2024 ?
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    AXPONA 2024 Ron Reporting

    This is one of the stand out rooms to me. The person I met inside was very friendly and really explained the products he loves Lampi as I do and made what I thought was very interesting comments on the past and present dacs sounds in this room is the new posiden excuse if I have misspelled...
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    AXPONA 2024 Ron Reporting

    Has anyone heard these Before this showing ? they have added drivers in parallel now They have added subs From looks it’s a complete re design Auralic is a very good source and has add on boxes does anyone know what the stack there is ?
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    Axpona 24’ Mike Lavigne pics

    I can’t wait for your comments on this
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    Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

    I have heard them in a showroom condition not a show they have deep bass and are very fast and detailed a tough combo. now I also think some feel a bloated constant bass is correct. I was a bass head but learned to take a step back. Of course to each there own.
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    Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

    I was in there room a few times. What did you think of them ?
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    Axpona April 12-14 2024

    I know lol I was just looking for the no not yet reply I did lurk around nice to see some Rooms Playing music I want to hear horns first today all horns then panels. then the rest
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    Hi-Fi is NOT a subjective hobby.

    While some headphones do better at an out the head experience the only ones or type for me without software to do so are Winged open types like raal or akg tima makes the point very clear
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    Hi-Fi is NOT a subjective hobby.

    And I can agree with your assessment as well on MBL but I can’t on bayz I’ve heard them too many times with great stage and presence. But this hobby is subjective in views and conclusions per person.
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    Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

    I’m sure by now both bobs know im very confused most times. And the bob and bob showcase is way above my understanding or comprehension when I had some 60 workers I knew most by name if I had same names I did this Jose , Jose 1 and so on had 3 at one time Same for Ramond. so I beg this...
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    Axpona April 12-14 2024

    Where is your room I walked around a few floors on lobby and above.
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    OJ Simpson dead at 76,

    Did he admit or wa he asked lol
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    Hi-Fi is NOT a subjective hobby.

    Not true MBL and bayz image great it depends on setup as well as source. now do they pinpoint image bayz does not as much on MBL And im not claiming to a wizard but having them a few times and bayz at shows and showrooms its for me as I said

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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