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  1. M

    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    @Taiko Audio Instead of what at no charge? My understanding is that Olympus will come with an XDMI output board (just a generic one with AES/EBU-SPDIF), now its output format will be tailored for a Lampizator DAC upon request (which would involve removal of the AES/EDU-SPIDF output - unless...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    @EuroDriver Amazing! You apparently have solved the problem. What prevented proper scanning of the DSD folders was caused by having a photo subfolder in each album folder. For 2 albums, I followed Ed's direction to move the photos to the album parent folders and deleted the photo subfolders -...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    The DSD albums (except 2) which cannot be scanned properly are all 1x DSD - I see them in the Folder view but they cannot be played (but can be played in Roon). I sent a sample to Ed @EuroDriver for diagnosis. Hope you can find a solution.
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    @Taiko Audio Now that the native XDMI connection with Lampizator Horizon has been clarified, could you give us the option of not having the AES/EBU-SPDIF card included in the Olympus or Olympus I/O (and for those who have prepaid, a credit/refund for that card)? Many of us probably still need...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    I have quite a few DSD albums that cannot be properly scanned, and therefore cannot be played in XDMS/NSM (just see those albums in NSM but cannot play them, but such albums can be played in Roon without any issue). Other DSD albums are scanned and can be played. I repeatedly rescanned those...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    Wait for the official gapless rollout (classical music albums are full of gapless tracks). Also cannot wait for the imbedded PDF document feature in any album (to upload a PDF document for sung-texts and libretti, essential for listening to lieder art songs and operas). The gapless and this...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    Yes, system or personal preference dependent. I did not mean to suggest that Default is 3D and Alternative is 2D. The difference is (very) subtle between the two modes, but a more apt description would be like applying normal lens setting (Default) and applying zoom setting (Alternative) in...
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    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    Thanks for sharing. To clarify, I was comparing the totality of the new tubes (not just a single rectifier) with the Switch (not in tandem with Router or DCD, which I have not obtained yet) to my ears and in my system. The effect of the new tubes was startling (such unheard-of transparency and...
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    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    Good to know that TFN RGN2504, which is way cheaper than Valvo G2504 (which is also exceptionally difficult to source), is almost as competitive. As Ian said, it is 95% of Valvo's SQ. PM if anyone is interested in an extra 1940s-vintage Telefunken RGN2504. The SQ improvement to Horizon with the...
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    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    Has anyone else compared Valvo G2504 and Telefunken G2504 rectifiers? I may get the Valvo. Ian @plasmod3 compared and informed that TFN G2504 has 95% of the SQ of Valvo (which is way more expensive). Have an extra TFN RGN G2504 (1940s vintage, including the indispensable and wonderful TP...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    I second your opinion. Default is more natural, layered and airier. Alternative is more in-your-face and two-dimensional, reminding me somewhat of the difference between the latest Roon upgrade (a kind of "whitish" or "blanched" feel to the sound) and classic XDMS (more natural and airier; even...
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    Taiko Audio Extreme DC Power Distributor

    @Christiaan Punter Thanks again. The DIY guy said he will have 2 mini batteries power the 2 devices separately, but they will share one wood box and one charging cable connected to a wall wart. What brand or kind of battery Taiko uses for the Olympus? I want that guy to use the same kind or brand.
  13. M

    Taiko Audio Extreme DC Power Distributor

    The person who would build a BPS for me (if I proceed) is experienced with BPS. His system is completely off the grid and he is keenly aware of the traditional limitations of battery power. May I assume that it would be better to have 2 mini battery units to drive the Switch and the Router...
  14. M

    Taiko Audio Extreme DC Power Distributor

    Thanks, Christiaan. My question was whether it would be better to power the Switch and the Router directly with a DIY BPS rather than via the DCD which is then powered by an LPS. If I can guess your answer, it may be "it depends". If the DIY BPS is close to Taiko standard, it would be better...
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    Taiko Audio Extreme DC Power Distributor

    @Taiko Audio Emile, need your clarification if I misunderstand. I gather the DCD is not itself a battery unit; it is an AC/DC power management and conversion system (if I understand correctly) for the Switch and Router. Read before that the erstwhile contemplated BPS would render the DCD...
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    Steve, you are getting personal and exercising your censorship. Customers do have a right to express wishes (as you yourself had done so many times). My follow-up posting (if you read carefully) was not meant to be, and did not raise, questions (as he would not reveal ATM understandably; again...
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    We all have and are entitled to our own questions. If Emile has directly or clearly answered those questions, please show them to me. I don't try to guess or read tealeaves. I only aired some wishes, as many others (including yourself) had done so, and I don't expect him to answer them.
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    Emile, I fully understand it is ATM a trade secret. Just want to air a list of wishes: (1) Lampi DACs' XDMI interface is battery-powered (to reap in full benefits of XDMI); (2) Lampi XDMI input interface and Olympus output XDMI interface can share one I/O chassis (so the cable out to a Lampi DAC...
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    Holding our breadth. It would be a shame if Lampi DACs' XDMI input would not be battery-powered, which is critical to the huge SQ uptick based on your report.
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    Emile, may we assume that Lampizator DACs' XDMI will be battery-powered too (preferably with a Taiko battery) to be truly 100% compatible? If so, probably Lampizator would need to have its own I/O to house both the XDMI daughter board + the "mini" battery (doubt it has enough space inside...
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    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    Another shoutout to @takacs75 Laszlo. He provided the TP adapters for P17C and is working hard to provide the adapters for the very rare WE437A tubes (with NOS sockets). Not only are the TP products stellar, the service from Laszlo & Tibor is also top-notch. Customers' satisfaction is...
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    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    @Taiko Audio Please excuse me if you have answered this question before: If I buy the Olympus first (with the analog and digital XDMI cards installed in the server), can I easily move the cards myself to I/O later when I opt to buy it later?
  23. M

    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    PM me if you want a backup set of Telefunken c3gS (the special S version)
  24. M

    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    Indeed. Adding. @takacs75 TP adapters and grounding cable are essential to the new tubes. No hesitation that I would recommend spending your monies first on the new tubes and the TP adapters ahead of Switch/Card or Router. Dollar for dollar they produce more improvement in SQ.
  25. M

    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    I was late getting the new tubes recommended by the influencers. Better being late than never. What a startling and overwhelming revelation! My Horizon has become a new DAC thanks for a quartet of Telefunken c3gs, WF SRS551 (or SFR P17C lately) and Telefunken G2504 rectifier – HUGE improvement...
  26. M

    LampizatOr Horizon - Tube Rolling Paradise

    I have an extra quad of Telefunken c3gs if anyone is interested. PM me if you are.
  27. M

    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    @Taiko Audio I connect a set (4) of 1.0m proprietary i2s ribbon cables between a modded Pioneer Elite LX500 Blu-ray DVD player (used as a transport) and a modded Horizon. The i2s connection consists of 4 cables (all SPDIF, RCA plugs into RCA jacks on both ends): master clock, bit clock, L/R...
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    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    Spot on re the reduced noise floor. Nothing is cast in stone - the settings may be changed with Olympus and I/O. Thanks
  29. M

    Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

    It occurred to me to change my speakers' mid-range driver jumper settings on the crossover boards. Lo, the sound noticeably improved so much that I now think that the NSM's improvement over XDMS Classic is more than the Switch+Card's improvement over stock Extreme, in the 1.5x range. The sound...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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