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  1. T

    TechDAS Air Force Zero (real final photo)

    As you know, irony doesn't travel well on the Internet so I thought you were being serious! Sorry!
  2. T

    TechDAS Air Force Zero (real final photo)

    I did review the 12" arm in conjunction with the Technics SP10R in the OMA cast iron plinth. Marc Gomez makes the 12" arm because people wanted one and because the rear position on the TechDAS turntables requires a 12" arm but he like many other manufacturers believes all things considered a 9"...
  3. T

    TechDAS Air Force Zero (real final photo)

    The amount of ignorance and speculative foolishness expressed by some here is truly appalling. Are you sure this isn't the "What's Worst Forum" when it comes to how low human nature can express itself? I most certainly compared all of these SAT arms in my review and you can listen for yourself...
  4. T

    9” vs 12” pick up arms. The mechanics explained minus the anecdotal B.S.
  5. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    You are Based on all that you've posted, it's clear that you are a dishonest fool. You make **** up at every turn. NEVER did I claim that 9" arms are "inherently superior". That's **** you made up. You posted something about me tapping on turntables (which I do) and then YOU made...
  6. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    What I wrote doesn't 'beg' any questions. Commerce has always been about keeping the customers satisfied and giving them what they want. If you initially make a 9" arm and declare it the best dynamic performer in the groove and then launch a 12" version because customers ask for it (and in the...
  7. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    Maybe you can explain what you mean by "...this titling perhaps sloppy use of language ' top of the line' ?" which is not English. Not sure to what you are referring but for Gomez English is a second language. He was obviously saying the CF 1 12" is his "top of the line" in that it is the...
  8. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    My reasoning is not "meaningless". I'm sure making such a dismissive comment makes you feel better so enjoy the moment. You write "those are the reasons why" but you don't cite the reasons do you?
  9. T

    SAT carbon fibre tone arm from Sweden

    Much of the upgrade is logistical (ships more securely, more easily replaced wiring harness) though he claims an incremental sonic upgrade as well.
  10. T

    SAT carbon fibre tone arm from Sweden

    That's not likely to happen.
  11. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    I don't think I was insulting in any way. And I certainly did not write anything about being "a well known audio reviewer" did I? By the way I never wrote that " 9 inch arms are inherently superior" which is the claim made by the person who started the thread. I did say "in my opinion all things...
  12. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    "high year" Actually Marc Gomez was kind enough to bring an SAT to Myles so he could hear it on his own turntable. i have received emails from around the world from people who bought an SAT after reading my review. Not a single one was a complaint. I did write that I've not heard the Vertere...
  13. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    your assertion that 12" arms have "higher resolution" is not confirmed by any facts I've ever seen.
  14. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    Can you explain what you mean by that? People have been taking my word "at face value" for 30 years. Whether or not they agree with my opinions and conclusions.
  15. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    SAT is 9". Kuzma 4 Point is 11" plus of course I've reviewed tangential trackers 12" arms and the 14" Kuzma 4 Point as well.
  16. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    Yours is a most reasonable response. Besides, I never said 9" arms were "inherently superior". That was someone's defense mechanism kicking in. I did say in that review "it's just my opinion"! Oh, I did not meet Mr. Aikman. He had passed away by the time I visited SME (more than a few...
  17. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    Actually most so-called tangential arms have more tracking error "all over the record". Very few really describe a tangent to the groove. Most have various forms of "wobble". You are correct that the Schroeder, Thales and KLAUDIO avoid those errors but they produce their own issues in terms of...
  18. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    If that's possible, I will do that.
  19. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    Well that's a wise-ass comment of course. I have an 11" Kuzma 4 Point on the Caliburn. What I most like is the 9" SAT arm. It betters the sonic performance of any arm I've ever heard and by a wide margin.
  20. T

    SAT carbon fibre tone arm from Sweden

    Actually he's sold 70 of them throughout the world. Everyone loves it. Now he's on to the second generation.
  21. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    It's the opinion of the designer of the SAT arm. He's got degrees in mechanical engineering and materials science. One is a graduate degree. He's analyzed this very carefully and based on his calculations of the arm's dynamic performance in the groove, he opted to first build a 9" arm that costs...
  22. T

    Oh no, MF is not a fan of 12" arms!

    You note I wrote "just my opinion", which a contributor here twisted into "9 inch arms are inherently superior". That's what happens on forums. I'll tell you this: if you talk to the manufacturers off the record they will tell you 9" arms are the best way to go but they make longer arms to...
  23. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    Bring it up with: Bob Graham, Marc Gomez, and the others who conclude that when all of the variables are considered 9" is the best overall solution especially to dynamic performance in the groove. Gomez has degrees in materials science and mechanical engineering. I don't. And you? And I do not...
  24. T

    Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

    I suggest you bring this up with Marc Gomez. He's got degrees in mechanical engineering and materials sciences. One is a graduate degree. I won't argue with you (because clearly it's pointless) other than to say some of your assertions are absurd particularly "finer adjustment of VTA and SRA"...
  25. T

    Gizmodo Visit With Mikey

    This is the last thing I'll post here about this thread: I was approached at an event at Stereo Exchange in New York by two young Russian engineers. i was doing a turntable set-up seminar and neither of them owned a turntable. They were there to complain about my room, which of course they'd...
  26. T

    Gizmodo Visit With Mikey

    Maybe you'd better listen with your ears instead of your eyes.
  27. T

    Gizmodo Visit With Mikey

    I'm a man and I can take it especially since at this point I've won.
  28. T

    Gizmodo Visit With Mikey

    There was a time an idiotic comment like your would bother me…. You've never been here, you have no idea what you are talking about, but you're willing to make a truly dumb and uninformed comment. That is why you are not an experienced audio reviewer and I am. My room has been measured by an...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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