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  1. fr.jazbec

    Searching for Infos/Links/Prospects about the Threshold T3 + Forté F44 Preamp

    Hello I just got a Forté F44 Preamp as an Backup for my Audionet Pre1G3 + EPS Kombi and now I‘m searching for informations about them. The Threshold T3 Preamp should be the same in a better cabin. If anyone knows the Stereophile number of tests this would help me very much. Thanks Rüdiger
  2. fr.jazbec

    Preamp choice for GoldeGate2 and ATC SCM50 (~20-25k)

    My ATC SCM 100 ASLT FF are working phantastic with Audionet Pre1G3+EPS powersupply. This is the only english review I know. It is without the EPS and this is a great upgrade. Another test with EPS from a german HiFi Magazin...
  3. fr.jazbec


    As Brad has already written, the Vifa tweeter was a bit hard and not optimal. I don't know to what extent the amplifiers have changed. My boxes use the discrete Class A reinforcement, unfortunately it is only available in the SE models today and is therefore very expensive and also not my thing...
  4. fr.jazbec


    I don't know if you really understood me. What I wanted to say is that, as they say in Germany, "my eyes were bigger than my mouth". I should have been happy with a smaller portion, but I was greedy for the big bass and had some problems with booming frequencies. Fortunately, I was able to solve...
  5. fr.jazbec


    Sorry, I am German and my English is not as good as it should be. What I wanted to express is, before 2010, almost no one in the home hi-fi area knew ATC. That only changed when ATR took over sales in Germany and left some 50/100/150 loudspeakers to the magazine "Stereoplay" for testing. There...
  6. fr.jazbec


    Regarding the tweeters, my ATC still use the Seas T25CF001 and I made a conscious decision not to upgrade. The main reason for this was that I had to bring the entire loudspeaker to distribution and that is too cumbersome for me. Another reason, however, is that I really like the coordination...
  7. fr.jazbec


    Hi there I use active ATC 100 in a 28sqm room and it was very difficult to integrate it. In the end, I needed half a year and a lot of absorber material to eliminate all room modes. Probably the 50 would have been better for me, but luckily I have my own listening room that I could edit and now...

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