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  1. J

    Introducing Olympus & Olympus I/O - A new perspective on modern music playback

    Quick question. Will the XDMI card be available to buy separately for the DIY community? Will it run on a DIY streamer/server, or only on the Olympus? Thanks for your kind reply.
  2. J

    QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone

    One idea I had for diy making similar cables or products is to coat the metal in the end plugs with some carbon nano liquid and then use a Telos QBT cable run-in machine. Basically this machine runs such high voltages into the cable that the metal liquifies (using my own words) and then...
  3. J

    Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

    Just to ask the question…. Is the switch available to purchase by non extreme owners? Is there going to be a smaller version like discussed previously? Thanks for the kind reply.
  4. J

    QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone

    Here’s a link that describes a technique to use both cryogenic treatment while degaussing at the same time. According to the article it makes copper so efficient that conductors can be reduced by 90% while maintaining the same efficiency. Maybe QSA cryogenically treats and degausses at the same...
  5. J

    QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone

    Here’s another company demagnetizing or degaussing their cables: . Again not sure if this is what QSA is doing, or if even works, but this link explains how it’s done.
  6. J

    QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone

    If the special process is a form of degaussing, then it’s permanent unless the object is modified. One thing I found interesting from the little research I did online is that degaussing changes according to what location you are in the world when performing the process. Different magnetic fields...
  7. J

    QSA - Lanedri and the Audiophile Version of the Philosophers’ Stone

    To add a little humor to the conversation is that say that I’m worried the Wakandas and the blue fish people are going to be looking for whatever vibranium QSA managed to get a hold of :)
  8. J

    Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

    I would like to ask a few questions about the upcoming Taiko TACDA dac: 1. Will the dac work with Euphony Stylus V4? 2. Will the dac work with AMD Zen 3 & Zen 4 processors? 3. To power the dac from the Taiko Dc-Dc atx Sata port, does it require both the 12v & 5v at the same time, or just one...

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