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  1. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, does anyone own an SP-6A? Thx
  2. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, the electrolytics were recapped 10yrs ago not by me. And it’s not just 1 cap of 220uF. It’s 6x 220uF instead of 6x 200uF. Plus the other caps, 2x 100uF instead of 2x 75uF, 2x 330uF instead of 2x 300uF. All the Extra capacitance must be causing current spike on start up.
  3. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, I’m not that technical. I don’t really have test equipment other than Variac, multimeter, tube tester. Each electrolytic has 20-30uf more than the original and so I’m thinking this is the cause of the fuse blowing. But when I asked ARC. They didn’t think so… weird. With a 60 ohm 800mA...
  4. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, yes, this is an SP-6A. Yeah the phono stage sounds amazing. Although I find the phono stage level to be lower than let’s say a streaming/CD source. Using an Audio-Technica AT-VM8 HII Moving Magnet cartridge. I don’t know specs and can’t find any online. Maybe it’s a mismatch with the phono...
  5. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    More pics…
  6. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, now all good. I didn’t have the grey wires. The previous owner had rewired it all with solid core 18Awg copper wire. Was a mess. Had he done it neat and all pairs twisted nicely, I would I have left it. Mind u he had some stuff wired in reverse.(left was right on some channels. I rewired the...
  7. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    this is a good start. thx alot. is this yours?
  8. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, I've seen this one and many others online but just not close enough or angles I need to see what's going where. Thx.
  9. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, Yes, I've worked on a lot of Tube gear. That's the thing, the Mode switch isn't making any scratchy noises. all positions work correct except Stereo reverse.. right channel drops out when it should be flipping the stereo image. I will try the Deoxit fader lube(green and black) no the switch...
  10. M

    ARC SP-6A Tube Preamp

    Hi, I have an SP-6A I purchased used. The previous owner says he got it from an estate sale. The unit had the electrolytics recapped about 10 yrs ago. All works well except for the MODE selector. In Stereo Reverse Mode, only the the left side outputs sound. the other thing I find odd is all the...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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