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  1. D

    Grimm Audio MU2 "Major Dac"

    Does the Mu2 have a nice extended treble that sparkles on top? The upsampling and description of it sound as smooth worries me, as I prize detail above most things. I've never had Roon skip, but it does hang on my older backleveled OS mac mini running as display and core. Someday I'll have a...
  2. D

    Network Acoustics - Tempus network switch

    I guessed correctly on the Master fuse, per Andy, a top person at SR: "Yes, we always use Master fuses in the switches we use in our reference room and at shows. It’s been universally beneficial in every setup we have done so far." I have an SR switch on the way with that fuse and...
  3. D

    Network Acoustics - Tempus network switch

    Hi all, this thread got me to join here, thank you! I'm tempted by the April Synergistics Research Switch special, the reviews are great, but I've seen some comments in forums that it's not the best. For anyone that has compared the SR to other top switches, especially Tempus or Dejitter It...

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