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  1. B

    Audio Mirror Tubadour V / New and great sounding dac

    Thank you for your impressions. I received mine end of May, and it's truly phenomenal. We had the III, upgraded to the IV, then got the V. For the first time in years, I tried out something other than my Purist cables. I moved Shunyata PCs around the components, and Omega ICs to the...
  2. B

    Cessaro Alpha Horns + Taiko + Kronos + DIY DAC and Interview With Vassil -- He Prefers Digital!

    What an excellent interview, and your system setup is amazing. I've always wanted to hear the Audio Mirror SET amps. I had his Tubadour III, upgraded to the IV, and now have the V. It's wonderful, and now in line for his next DAC product. Thanks for the interview.

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