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    New Degritter at Munich High End 2024 ???

    The AudioDeske is not "ultrasonic". This machine is 120kHz.
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    Last thing: I did a video review of a cavitation based record cleaning machine and added “before you take anyone’s advice about anything you see on YouTube know who the person is and what they were doing 5 or 10 years ago. Were they covering this subject or plucking chickens?” Well, that...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I can only speak for myself. I've written plenty of negative reviews and still have the screaming in my ear from the "hurt", years later. The late A.J. Conti wouldn't let me into his room at CES for about five years after I wrote that the Basis Debut was lacking in "slam" and full macro-dynamic...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I still believe what's on the written page determines whether or not a reviewer is credible whether or not his system is owned or long-term borrowed. Our working capital is our credibility more than anything..
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I would say this is not really a correct assessment, at least in my case and I can only speak for me. I don't give only good reviews. I've given many negative reviews and many mixed ones where there are good and bad things to report. I've reviewed $399 phono preamps like the Schiit Skoll and...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I make clear what I own, which are my speakers, turntable, phono pre, preamp, amps and cartridges. But snarky comments abound nonetheless from the peanut gallery. So tiresome
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    Alexx V arrive in NJ

    The RIAA curve is a standard used in both the cutting and playback process. The formulas were in the links I sent and describe the “time constants”, which is not purely amplitude based since the system cuts and plays back reading velocity (displacement) not just amplitude depending upon...
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    Alexx V arrive in NJ

    The recommendations are using curves as tone controls, the opposite of what’s being claimed, especially regarding the 4th pole. It’s not an opinion! An opinion is that you prefer a different curve than the one that correctly decodes the record. Some things are cut and dried facts and some things...
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    Alexx V arrive in NJ

    if by the 4th time constant he means the so-called "Neumann pole", please read this and be sure to move on to this: : I...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I don't judge a reviewer's worth based on one review, nor do I write as mundanely as do you. I don't write "good soundstage" or "good bass". You do. I won't judge you based on your ridiculous post here. I'll be an optimist. Perhaps you are better than this.
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    yes I heard from him! But the contents of the post made me assume it was "the other guy"....people posting pictures and judging sound..... yikes...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    yea, I get's better when the punch is based on fact! At least you didn't accuse me of being part of the "long term loan" thing. It happens at all of the magazines. I just don't do it other than with cables....
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    It's funny because the first one that really sounded "wrong" was the Tony Bennett 'I Left My Heart In San Francisco". I just put it up on the shelf with the original that' sounds "right" and moved on. I gave bad reviews to the Mo-Fi "Love Forever Changes" because it sounded equalized weirdly...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    oh. sorry about that, but you did post pictures of my old room and judge how it might sound, correct?
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    You were an audio reviewer between 2002 and 2007 and no one paid any attention to you. You are useless.
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    since you don't actually listen to audio but instead measure it, it makes sense you'd judge how my room sounds using pictures. You make me laugh always!
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    as someone who measures rather than listen to audio gear or music it makes sense that you'd judge how my room sounds based on photos.
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    That is incorrect. I gave many of the "digital" Mo-Fis bad reviews and didn't review many because they sounded "wrong". What I didn't "pick up on" was that they were lying when the said it was an analog chain. If you take them at their word and hear issues you write things like I did reviewing...
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    Come visit instead of posting old pictures. I guess you evaluate audio gear from photos as well. How pathetic. You are welcome to visit. Many well know engineers and mastering engineers have been here to listen but feel free to post photos and pass judgement. It's hilarious
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    Since Amir doesn't actually listen to audio or like music, he's well qualified to judge my room based on pictures. He's hilarious always.
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    "Long-Term Equipment Loans: A Win-Win for Everyone" by Robert Harley, The Absolute Sound

    I own all of my equipment and I obviously own you as well.
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    The best sound I have heard was found at Jacob Heilbrunn's house.

    Been there many times. Yes, best I’ve heard. I’m close with near field sound with Wilson XVX/darTZeel/OMA K3/ dCS Vivaldi One. It’s not bad!.
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    Wilson Audio Chronosonic XVX First Impressions

    XVX is 90+ dB efficient but presents punishing impedance load so needs high current delivering amps. I drive mine with darTzeel NHB 468s. I visited Dave Wilson numerous times and never saw VTL 450s there. He had Siegfrieds but mostly used D’Agostino amps. Whoever wrote that WAMM owners are...
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    Michael Hobson Interview: Nothing but the Truth

    Excellent interview with Mike! When you are properly seated, please read this:
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    What I meant by “reveal yourself” is that that seems to indicate resentment. I don’t put on airs or consider myself “mighty”. I’m sorry ai couldn’t help you.
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    By calling me “mighty”, you reveal yourself. I’m sorry I didn’t drop everything I was doing to be your personal equipment valet and answe “so many questions.” My inbox is a traffic jam of advice questions. If cogently asked often I can respond. You gave it away with “so many questions”. Most...
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    AIAP: New Audio Industry Publications Association

    I think it's a highly principled idealistic idea and after reading through it I think it's well-reasoned and a great deal of time and effort went into drawing up the charter or whatever you want to call it. However, there already are insinuations (not coming from the members) that if you don't...
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    What's everyone's take on the recent microscopic investigation by Michael Fremer of stylus contamination by products like Onzow Zerodust ?

    I have been told what it is. It is not related to vinyl. However, until those doing the investigating figure out from where this material came, they prefer I don't divulge what it is. The people involved have absolutely no "skin" in the game. The delay is caused by the fact that their real...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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