Helmut Thiele, with nearly 30 years experience in designing his own turntables as well as working together with other brands, has just teamed up with company Seismion, to bring out a new active isolation base ADB01. While the design comes from Thiele, Seismion contributes the active isolation...
Here's a 1 hour + video from Michael Fremer at Axpona focusing on turntables and things analog.
In the picture: that's a Master Signature on a Reed 2P arm.
Gryphon Audio Designs will make a big splash at AXPONA this year. There is the world debut of a reference quality product which will be unveiled on Friday. There will be a 30 minute demo every hour, then the room will remain passive for the other 30 minutes. As there are only 20 seats for...
I will be there Saturday and Sunday as a guest? Have some bandwidth outside of my business meetings to visit some rooms and snap some snazzy pictures.
What should I demo while I am there?
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to see who was heading to Axpona at the end of the month and what everyone is looking forward to seeing / hearing?
We'll be there and hope to meet some of you in person!
We seem to be in audio show heaven these days. AXPONA was 2 weeks ago. SSI is right now. NY is in a couple of weeks. Yikes.
Well, in that vein, here's some show coverage of AXPONA to noodle on. Hope to see you all in NY!
Part-Time Audiophile heads to Jacksonville.