Would appreciate comments by those who have direct experience comparing the Basis Inspiration with standard acrylic platter vs. the Super Platter upgrade and/or with Transcendence. Trying to get a fix on what the new metal Super Platter is contributing/not contributing to the sound.
Randy Cooley, purveyor of a highly customized and personal level of service from his Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica, California, was, as usual, master of ceremonies in this room. Each year Randy uses a Basis Audio turntable and tonearm, Vandersteen speakers and Audio Research electronics...
I have enjoyed our hobby for 27 years.
This is how the front of my listening room looked until 2014:
Due to a flood in this listening room in 2014, and to some ongoing repairs to my house, my stereo has been disassembled and has been stored under protective tarps for almost two years...