Priced fairly close on the used market. I suppose you could add the Kassandra ll onto this list, but its priced slightly higher (used). Looking strongly at these DACs, and finding it very hard to make a decision. I have access to these at a very good used price (roughly the same, Helene a bit...
Lately there have been a number of posts once again reigniting the endless debates of analog versus digital. There was also a new crop of digital devices that debuted at the Munich show this year. All those topics are subjects for debates. But what I don’t believe can be debated, but we shall...
Hello all!
We have heard a lot of interest in a collaboration with Taiko and integrating the Pro ISL system with Taiko servers. This post here is to generally update and let everyone know where we are at in this process.
Happy to say, after some productive discussions in Munich with Emile, we...
Hi all,
Was interested in hearing forum members experience utilizing this Torus Power Conditioner, and in particular with MSB components. For the last three years, it has served as the electrical/power source for my dedicated listening system. From it I run three dedicated / isolated 20 amp...
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone listened to the MSB Select Transport (now discontinued. link: and/or the Wadax Atlantis Transport (link: There doesn't seem to be much on the internet about these. These two...
I’m about to receive my new MSB discrete dac and pretty excited about it.
I have a spare SR purple fuse which I have in my previous dac. It’s a 2A and not a 2.5A as the one coming standard with MSB. Would it work as well? Is the SR purple a good match with the MSB discrete? Thanks for the advice.
Hi Everyone:
I was asked to compare the MSB Reference Preamp Module against the D’Agostino Momentum updated HD PreAmp that feeds a pair of updated M400 Momentum Mono’s.
So this past weekend, I pulled things apart and ran the MSB Reference as the PreAmp/DAC, leaving the Momentum HD PreAmp...
Innuous Statement + Lampizator Pacific
Innuous Statement + MSB Select
SGM Extreme + Lampizator Pacific
SGM Extreme + MSB Select
What are some other state-of-the-art combinations of streamers and DACs?
How does one decide?
How did you decide?
Alex Siufy of Alma Music and Audio in San Diego, California, put together for the show the same system he often demos in the lavishly large and well-treated main listening room at his audio salon.
The streamer was the new and top-of-the-line Innuous Statement which was feeding an MSB...
Alma Music and Audio, in San Diego, California, owned by Alex Siufy and by Fabio Storelli, opened its doors in March of 2015.
Moving recently from La Jolla Alma’s new location is twice the size of the old location, and includes a custom designed, acoustically-treated 30 foot long listening...