
  1. Mextech

    Sony Wh-1000X Mark 3 - Best ANC (Wife Approved)

    This time it's not about sound quality but more about active sound cancellation. What are your thoughts about this video?
  2. dalethorn

    V-MODA Wireless-2 Codex Headphone (new item) review

    Ostensibly the same edition as my previous purchase in matte black, I ordered the white version with custom "Immortal Angel" shields for a few reasons - to test the codecs against the black version, check for sample differences and add a new video, and run the music tests with my standard set of...
  3. Mextech

    Girlfriends Headset? Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headphones Review

  4. dalethorn

    V-MODA Crossfade2 Wireless (Codex Edition) Headphone review

    The v-moda Wireless 2 Codex Edition is the latest Bluetooth model, following on the build and sound of the v-moda M100.
  5. dalethorn

    AudioQuest NightOwl Audiophile Stereo Headphone review

    The NightOwl has great potential in having tonality superior to most non-premium or non-audiophile headphones, but the frequency response tuning needs a good bit of tweaking...
  6. dalethorn

    Stereophile 'Earbuds' Souvenir IEM/Earphone review

    This is not my usual hi-fi headphone/earphone review, but given that this was a free subscription perk from a famous source, I thought it would interesting to see how much sound quality I'd get with it. (Spoiler: not much)...
  7. dalethorn

    Shinola Canfield On-Ear Stereo Headphone Review

    The Shinola Canfield On-Ear is a small headphone of very modest sonic quality, but with an awesome aesthetic and build quality. I report the sound with a moderate level of EQ tweaking, and it is excellent. Some audiophiles don't believe that EQ will make a headphone sound better, which is all...
  8. dalethorn

    Focal Listen Pro Stereo Headphone Review

    This recent model from Focal was supposed to replace the Focal Spirit Pro as far as I know. Physically I'd agree - the Listen Pro is much nicer in that respect, but sonically no....
  9. dalethorn

    Thinksound USP1 (Pewter Earpiece) IEM/Earphone review.

    Here's a unique earphone with pewter earpieces. This design had me thinking (no pun intended) of Grado's porous-metal earcup housings that they use in some of their full-size headphones. The idea here is similar - to reduce resonances in the driver housings. U.S. made, the MSRP here is $179...
  10. dalethorn

    German Maestro GMP-160 Lightweight Stereo Headphone review

    This German Maestro GMP-160 is, in terms of materials and construction, by far the cheapest headphone I've ever owned. Nonetheless, with some treble reduction**, the sound is surprisingly good. Even the Tutt-Keltner drum improvisation is sharp and detailed. The question I have is whether the...
  11. dalethorn

    SoundMagic P55 'Vento' Portable Stereo Headphone review

    Just a small excerpt from the below review: "This is a beautifully-made headphone with sound that for most users will be thrilling, in a word. I have a recording of a 16 hz organ pedal from the Kellogg Auditorium, which not only plays with serious impact on the Vento, but the 16-cycle analog...
  12. dalethorn

    B&O (Bang & Olufsen) H4 Around-Ear Bluetooth Headphone review

    The lowest-price full-size B&O Bluetooth headphone is much better than I expected it to be. I paid $300 USD for this gem, and it's so good that I have no desire to buy the more pricy models they sell. Works great on Bluetooth, and it can be used wired with a good DAC and headphone amp...
  13. dalethorn

    V-MODA Wireless 2 Bluetooth (aptX) Stereo Headphone review

    The latest version of one of my all-time favorite headphones (v-moda M100, "King of Headphones") has returned as v-moda's second edition Bluetooth model, called (wait for it...) the Wireless 2. Simply stated, this is the best headphone they've ever made (in my opinion), playing with the same...
  14. Believe High Fidelity

    Diana Forte Stereo SET Review by Enjoy the Music Now available

    Fresh off the press. Enjoy your weekend read Diana Forte World Premiere Review
  15. Believe High Fidelity

    Kassandra DAC Limited Edition Review - And so concludes the story of the One Ring...

    Hello Folks, If you have been following the Kassandra thread where I announced its capabilities to be the "One DAC to Rule them All..." I am proud to provide the following review by Mr. Dato' Danon Han of Mono and Stereo/Analogue Fellowship...
  16. dalethorn

    Audio-Technica A1000z Around-Ear Studio Monitor Headphone review

    It was my good luck to get another Audio-Technica headphone for review this month, on loan from MyMac for a couple of weeks. To be honest, I like most headphones I do get, since I choose only those that interest me. That said though, this A1000z is one of the better bets in a more-or-less...
  17. dalethorn

    Audio-Technica ESW990h On-Ear Wood-Earcup Stereo Headphone review

    Listening to the $350 Audio-Technica ESW990h wood-earcup headphone has been my most pleasurable hi-fi experience in a long time. The $1000 Focal Elear could have been even better if it weren't so recessed. Even though the ESW990h doesn't have quite the Elear's detail (when the Elear is EQ'd)...
  18. Mextech

    Turntable with Ak47 Build Quality!

    Found it amusing!
  19. dalethorn

    Focal Elear Around-Ear Open-Back Stereo Headphone review

    Here's the Elear - for my purposes, the best sound I've heard, but your mileage may vary according to your treble preferences and which amp you use. Due to the large impedance spike around 40-50 hz, the power demand could weaken the deep bass somewhat, if your amp isn't up to it. The $1000...
  20. dalethorn

    Thinksound On2 On-Ear Wood-Earcup Stereo Headphone review

    Here is a very, very nice on-ear wood-earcup headphone from Thinksound. I previously reviewed their On1 headphone and Rain2 IEM. This time around, the On2 has a much better non-glossy wood finish, and I suspect better drivers, since the clarity is phenomenal. It isn't the easiest thing to...
  21. dalethorn

    Acoustic Research M2 Digital Audio Music Player (DAP) review

    Here's a portable music player that sounds like the best combination of DAC and tube amp that I've heard. It's not cheap, but the sound is ultra-clean, smooth, and very extended.
  22. dalethorn

    1More MK802 Around-Ear Bluetooth Stereo Headphone review

    Here is a real treat. The best overall sound I've gotten in an off-the-shelf headphone in a long time. Worth reading about:
  23. dalethorn

    Puro BT5200 On-Ear Bluetooth Stereo Headphone review

    Here is the best Bluetooth headphone I've used so far, and at just over $100 USD, an excellent deal.
  24. dalethorn

    Yuin PK1 Audiophile Earbud/Earphone (not IEM) review

    Almost identical to the Yuin PK2, except this PK1 is even thinner sounding than the PK2, and is 3 times the price. EQ can bring a measure of audiophile quality to the sound, but cannot recover the low bass. I like it, but I'm pretty flexible...
  25. dalethorn

    Master & Dynamic MH30 Luxury On-Ear Stereo Headphone review

    The MH30 is a work of art and metal, and I find it very charming...
  26. dalethorn

    FiiO EM3 Stereo Earbuds (not IEM) Earphone review

    This is an earbud, so the expectations will be low. The tonality is definitely better than the Apple earbuds (not earpods), but not as good as the Yuin PK2 (and likely the PK1). I wouldn't be inclined to review an earbud as-is, but with the magic of parametric EQ, it sounds very hi-fi except...
  27. dalethorn

    Yuin PK2 Earbuds (not ear-canal) Stereo Earphone review

    Here is a very nice earbud with a good hi-fi sound and soundstage, when properly equalized. Played without EQ, it's bright and very thin sounding. Why would anyone want this? Low cost, great potential, very small size to go anywhere. One of my favorites...
  28. dalethorn

    MEElectronics HT-21 On-Ear Portable Stereo Headphone review

    Here's a very small on-ear headphone you can probably enjoy with no need for bass, treble, or any other adjustments. $19 USD - ridiculously good - say no more....
  29. dalethorn

    Creative Aurvana Live Around-Ear Stereo Headphone review

    Here's a headphone I had on my wishlist for ages, but if I knew how it really sounded, I could have skipped it. Anyway, here it is, for better or worse:
  30. dalethorn

    1More 'Over Ear' (MK801) Stereo Headphone review

    Here's a nice small headphone that's a snug around-ear fit for my average-size ears (might not go around larger ears). The astounding thing about this headphone is the sound. The bass is very similar to the famous M100, in quantity and quality both, but going up from there the rest of the...

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