Announcing another remarkable Allnic achievement!
Kevalin Audio is pleased to announce the worldwide availability of the new flagship Allnic H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage. An OTL/OCL (Output Transformer-Less/Output Capacitor-Less) design omits the usual coupling transformer or capacitor at the output stage of the vacuum tube amplifier, thus reducing distortion, coloration, and energy loss. It unprecedented for an OTL/OCL circuit to be used in a phono-stage, which requires a level of amplification much higher than that of a line-stage preamplifier.

H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage
Following his other achievements with OTL/OCL designs, line-stages such as the new L-10000 OTL/OCL Signature (product page link: https://www.kevalinaudio.com/product-page/l-10-000-otl-ocl) and HPA-10000 OTL/OCL Headphone amplifier/preamplifier (product page link: https://www.kevalinaudio.com/product-page/hpa-10-000-otl-ocl-line-stage-headphone-amplifier)

HPA-10000 OTL/OCL Headphone amplifier/Line-stage preamplifier
and the award-winning, world’s first OTL/OCL DAC, the D-10000 OTL/OCL DAC (Product page link: https://www.kevalinaudio.com/product-page/allnic-d-10-000-otl-ocl-dac-an-industry-first),

KS Park, Allnic’s founder and lead developer, has created a true tour-de-force phono-stage with the H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage.

H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage
With sound quality we believe among the few, very, very best phono-stages on the market, the H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature is a masterpiece of innovative audio electronics engineering and a beautiful piece of industrial design, blending class-leading sonics, visually stunning form and real convenience of use for such an exceptional product.
Like all Allnic’s phono-stages, except the smallest, the Allnic H-5500 (Link to product: https://www.kevalinaudio.com/product-page/h-5500-phone-preamp), the H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature has separate power supply and amplification units, the power supply being solid state is optimal for this amplification design using a total of 16 tubes in two gain stages – super-fast, reliable and extremely quiet.

H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage detail
Silver-wired, built-in MC step-up transformers (SUTs) are a primary feature of the H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature. Allnic's phono-stage preamplifiers and step-up transformers initially became famous because they used permalloy, with its high permeability, as the transformer core. Then, the performance of the SUTs was further improved by making the coils with silver wire, which has a higher conductivity than copper creating significant benefits for sound quality. The H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature allows you to select the amplification factor and input impedance from four options on easily hand-adjusted controls located conveniently on the top of the chassis.
The same silver wound step-up transformers used in the H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature are available as upgrades to other Allnic phono-stages and in a stand-alone version, the AUT-8000, offering even more flexibility (Link to product: https://www.kevalinaudio.com/product-page/allnic-aut-8000-silver-wound-mc-step-up-transformer ).

The H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature possesses a suite of other desirable features, controls for which are located on its front panel. There is an input selector dial for four inputs, two for moving coil and two for moving magnet cartridges. Below that dial are two pairs of knobs that control the selection of not only the standard EQ RIAA curve, but also other phono curves, such as the original Decca and the Columbia curves. Four balance meters, two for the right and left channels of each of the two gain stages, monitor whether DC is involved during the amplification process. On the rear panel, users will be happy to see both single-ended RCA and balanced XLR output connections which can be used simultaneously.

H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage back panel
The sophisticated specialist new Flagship Allnic H-10000 OTL/OCL Phono-stage is a truly remarkable home analog audio device, sure to bring joy to any lover of analog music reproduction.
Price: $45,000 USD.
Please call or email our staff at Kevalin Audio to discuss the new Allnic H-10000 OTL/OCL Signature Phono-stage, or any other Allnic product, and purchase details. For international customers, please find links to your local representative here:
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