I am going to pick on this site because it is the latest to invoke my ire but the site is not alone in the disturbingly poor design. https://www.lucasaudiolab.com/
I use a 22" monitor and could not navigate to any useful information on that site. The top half of the screen was taken up by FireFox and the header and tabs for the site. I am not exaggerating. The top half was virtually wasted. The space for the header and tabs could have been dramatically reduced. Clicking on a link for additional information still resulted in half a screen wasted.
In addition to poor space utilization, many sites have annoying popups or images that scroll automatically without allowing the user to get a good look. I can't imagine what these sites look like on a cell phone or small tablet. I think many manufacturers never look at their own websites. If they did, I am certain we would have better designs.
I use a 22" monitor and could not navigate to any useful information on that site. The top half of the screen was taken up by FireFox and the header and tabs for the site. I am not exaggerating. The top half was virtually wasted. The space for the header and tabs could have been dramatically reduced. Clicking on a link for additional information still resulted in half a screen wasted.
In addition to poor space utilization, many sites have annoying popups or images that scroll automatically without allowing the user to get a good look. I can't imagine what these sites look like on a cell phone or small tablet. I think many manufacturers never look at their own websites. If they did, I am certain we would have better designs.