Coffee Roasting

Another Johnson

Jan 13, 2022
Music City, USA aka Nashville
Does anyone roast at home? If yes, any recommendations on current “what’s best” roasters?
I’m especially interested in roasters that can accommodate up to 2 pounds (or, say, 1 kg) capacity.
I have some experience from the first decade of this century, so I know that good ventilation is required. The smoke and fume load needs either a great hood, or an outside (roofed porch) type venue.
I generally prefer light roasts, with beans either barely reaching or perhaps reaching, first crack.
I had a fluidized bed type of roaster and liked it.
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I roast on a Kaleido M2. Kind of a hybrid roaster. Big upgrade from old Hottop. So far, it's been a champ
I’ve been looking at the Kaleido product line. The big model looks like it would do the job I want. And their Dual and Pro models have good control options. You can really define your roast parameters.
One concern I’ve had is reliability of the heating elements, at least for the big one. I see they’re shipping them with the elements packed separately now, so shipping damage must have been the issue.
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