DS Audio cartridges: Lifespan, retip or replace?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
I am interested in these cartridges and have the opportunity to purchase a DS003 system. I have read a lot of the reviews and ongoing threads, but none of them seem to mention lifespan or what you do with the cartridge when the lifespan is over.
How long do they last (in hours of music played)? Are the cantilever and stylus replaceable like a moving magnet cartridge (doubtful). Do you get a aftermarket “retipper” like Soundsmith to replace the cantilever and/or the stylus? If you do that, is it really still a DS Audio cartridge? Or do you trade it in to DS Audio for a new one like I do with my Lyra’s?
Appreciate any info from users of these cartridges.
they run regular cantilevers and diamonds (model dependant) same as any other cartridge would so aftermarket retippers can retip them or install a new cantilever if it breaks. As to lifespan then it would be similar to other high end carts which depends on tip type and how clean your records are etc... but I would imagine over 1000 hours would be normal.

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