Hey guys,
I am a headphone, I never want to get into speakers it's not my thing. I currently have a Shunyata Everest, Hugo2 and a Feliks Envy 25th Anniversary Edition. I play music from my Macbook pro to my DAC via USB. Obviously I need something to replace the Hugo2 with and I am looking at the following DACs:
MPD-8 + Plink USB Decrapifier (worried it may be too warm to be used with a tube amp but very much like the clean USB input)
Rockna Wavestream Signature (output voltage into Envy is too high, Feliks recommends 1V input the Rockna is 6.6Vrms)
Aries Cerat Helene(10vrms@0db/30Vpp@0db)
Aries Cerat Kassandra II Used(10v/5v)
The Feliks Envy works best with 1V input. If I got Rockna Wavestream Signature, I'd have to use the lowest volume possible which equal 1V outout(btw how would I know when I have 1V output will it tell me?). When I lower the Rockna DAC volume I'd also be lowering Dynamic Range if I understand correctly because the Rockna uses DSP(Digital volume control like Chord DACs as well) and when you lower volume digitally you reduce dynamic range.
The Rockna outout voltage is 6.6/13 in the SE versions. Therefore assuming I'm correct I'd lose 5.6db of dynamic range with the Rockna set to 1V(remember Wavestream outputs 6.6 and Feliks Envy wants 1v input) going into Envy.
Are the AC DACs using digital volume attenuation like the Rockna and Chord DACs. I understand ghe helene has a -6db switch, is it digital or analog? Is it possibke to ouput 1V with AC DACs? Based on the output voktage of AC DACs I'd lose MORE dynamic range with those set to 1V ouput(if thays even possible)
If so what's the best solution? Seperate preamp? Just use the dsp attenuation in the Rockna? Get a different DAC?
I'd rather not introduce a preamp as I feel additional components lower sound quality.
Also almost all the reviews I read about the AC DACs are in speaker systems and I wonder if they pair well with headphones.
I am a headphone, I never want to get into speakers it's not my thing. I currently have a Shunyata Everest, Hugo2 and a Feliks Envy 25th Anniversary Edition. I play music from my Macbook pro to my DAC via USB. Obviously I need something to replace the Hugo2 with and I am looking at the following DACs:
MPD-8 + Plink USB Decrapifier (worried it may be too warm to be used with a tube amp but very much like the clean USB input)
Rockna Wavestream Signature (output voltage into Envy is too high, Feliks recommends 1V input the Rockna is 6.6Vrms)
Aries Cerat Helene(10vrms@0db/30Vpp@0db)
Aries Cerat Kassandra II Used(10v/5v)
The Feliks Envy works best with 1V input. If I got Rockna Wavestream Signature, I'd have to use the lowest volume possible which equal 1V outout(btw how would I know when I have 1V output will it tell me?). When I lower the Rockna DAC volume I'd also be lowering Dynamic Range if I understand correctly because the Rockna uses DSP(Digital volume control like Chord DACs as well) and when you lower volume digitally you reduce dynamic range.
The Rockna outout voltage is 6.6/13 in the SE versions. Therefore assuming I'm correct I'd lose 5.6db of dynamic range with the Rockna set to 1V(remember Wavestream outputs 6.6 and Feliks Envy wants 1v input) going into Envy.
Are the AC DACs using digital volume attenuation like the Rockna and Chord DACs. I understand ghe helene has a -6db switch, is it digital or analog? Is it possibke to ouput 1V with AC DACs? Based on the output voktage of AC DACs I'd lose MORE dynamic range with those set to 1V ouput(if thays even possible)
If so what's the best solution? Seperate preamp? Just use the dsp attenuation in the Rockna? Get a different DAC?
I'd rather not introduce a preamp as I feel additional components lower sound quality.
Also almost all the reviews I read about the AC DACs are in speaker systems and I wonder if they pair well with headphones.
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