How strictly should WBF's TOS be enforced

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
Alto, NM
Curious as to member feed back and if there is a consensus as to how far outside of the "spirit and intent" of the TOS can a post waiver or vary from the "forum rules" and still be found acceptable to forum members. One example is that posts need to stay "on topic". As we all know, "off topic" posts occur on a frequequent basis and are generally allowed / tolerated. Please know that this is not meant to disparage any moderator efforts to keep discussions within the "guardrails" of civility and respect. Thanks for any input. Best.
Within reason:

Everyone can have a bad day or have a post that crosses their line. It's not easy for moderators to immediately recognize what's going on until after things get started. I am a Admin on another site and did moderation for several years. It is pretty much a thankless job as you always end up pissXXX off someone.

You weren't fair I didn't start it, that's not what I meant and on and on and on.

Is it first time, is it all the time, have they been warned, are they just plain disrespectful to all commers?

Are they in a specific forum where opposite opinions are banned telling one and all their wrong?

Moderating is like herding cat's and their are so many variables it's not black and white and is sometime hard to draw the line.

Off Topic posts will and always will happen. If they start to steer the thread then action may need to be taken. Such as splitting it into a new thread.

Rob :)
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Reactions: Republicoftexas69
I read a few of the forums regularly, including this one, but post less and less these days. My pet hate is heavy handed moderation, so I'd run the throttle pretty wide open if it were down to me. I think if mods are invested, a PM might be more tactical in heading off a crisis... :)
As you very well know, moderating decisions are not up for debate....yet here you are.

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