27 years old when he took his own life. He had the whole world...money, fame, athletism, wife, baby girl, ...
Football in America is the national sport. Everyone play football, even I during my college years and for four years with four championat wins. We were simply the best team.
After watching this doc, which most North American sports fans, are more or less familiar with some of the story when it was all over national news across the continent, I felt parts missing.
Originally it was roughly 90 minutes long, now it is over 3 hours long, but still too short.
Why? Because it's more complex than it already is, and to say that is saying a lot.
It's a good doc, it draws in your attention. It brings the world of sports into a deeper perspective; if you're young and excell @ football there's a mountain of cash waiting for you. Some kids had better life than others before getting to the top. And some @ the top can fall deeper than the very bottom. There are other stories of players with tragic ends, Aaron Hernandez is one of them.
We see the real people in the court during his process, along with some of their stories, witnesses in the case of his friend's death, who was 27 @ the time. He was shot few times.
But there are other cases too we are shown, with real video footage. We enter slightly the world of Aaron, and it's not a black and white world, it's a multicolored world of complex upbringing and growing up with all type of friends.
Ultimately Aaron wasn't coached properly in the social aspect of his life. He wasn't hanging with all the right people.
If you are a football's fan and like to see what one of the best players reaching the top and bottom, it's right in your alley. It's a deep psychological case of recent events.
He was just a kid, rarely showing emotions, keeping underground.
The doc goes underground to show the other sides.
More articles are surfacing now, because of this Netflix documentary...more discoveries that make me realize that 3 hours were simply not enough.
* I'll link only a short article that just came up, there are many more and reviews of this documentary, I just don't have the time now, only this one ...
? https://petapixel.com/2020/01/17/photographing-aaron-hernandez-on-the-same-day-he-shot-someone/
A rating score: 8 out of 10.
Football in America is the national sport. Everyone play football, even I during my college years and for four years with four championat wins. We were simply the best team.
After watching this doc, which most North American sports fans, are more or less familiar with some of the story when it was all over national news across the continent, I felt parts missing.
Originally it was roughly 90 minutes long, now it is over 3 hours long, but still too short.
Why? Because it's more complex than it already is, and to say that is saying a lot.
It's a good doc, it draws in your attention. It brings the world of sports into a deeper perspective; if you're young and excell @ football there's a mountain of cash waiting for you. Some kids had better life than others before getting to the top. And some @ the top can fall deeper than the very bottom. There are other stories of players with tragic ends, Aaron Hernandez is one of them.
We see the real people in the court during his process, along with some of their stories, witnesses in the case of his friend's death, who was 27 @ the time. He was shot few times.
But there are other cases too we are shown, with real video footage. We enter slightly the world of Aaron, and it's not a black and white world, it's a multicolored world of complex upbringing and growing up with all type of friends.
Ultimately Aaron wasn't coached properly in the social aspect of his life. He wasn't hanging with all the right people.
If you are a football's fan and like to see what one of the best players reaching the top and bottom, it's right in your alley. It's a deep psychological case of recent events.
He was just a kid, rarely showing emotions, keeping underground.
The doc goes underground to show the other sides.
More articles are surfacing now, because of this Netflix documentary...more discoveries that make me realize that 3 hours were simply not enough.
* I'll link only a short article that just came up, there are many more and reviews of this documentary, I just don't have the time now, only this one ...
? https://petapixel.com/2020/01/17/photographing-aaron-hernandez-on-the-same-day-he-shot-someone/

A rating score: 8 out of 10.