Need Help Old School !

Daniel Caiuby

New Member
May 8, 2019
Please be patient I'm trying to upgrade! Have an old Technics Receiver sa-gx 550 at 65 watts . circa 1993... works well...paired with Cerwin Vega vs 100s ....1993 will be buying a rega 2 turntable unless suggested other wise and need a nice quality cd player..was looking at the Marantz 6006...
Now is it worth the price for the Marantz hooked up to the old receiver? was spying Cambridge and Yamaha receivers and integrated amps around $900 US currency...should I buy a new amp or receiver or will the old Technics suffice... Im looking for better sound quality than volume . Yes the Vegas should go as well any suggestions ...I like me base Cure xx New Order etc can be bookshelf at $1000...kef totem klipsch others?

Bottom line is should I build around the old Technics and keep the Vegas or upgrade everything new?

Sorry for the rant but Im so overwhelmed with all the choices....
Just want to play cds and Vinyl a usb would be nice ....nothing more than 2.1 with a phono input for the Rega
I would go dedicated integrated amp, not receiver. Ever looked at stuff like Schiit?
Thanks for the reply....I live in Brazil everything is crazy expensive unless I travel... will look into Shiit,,,,never heard of it thanks....
The upgrade path is difficult. Start with:
1.What am I willing to spend?
2.Am I looking to solve a problem? Or
3.Am I looking to increase fidelity or frequency extebsion?
4.Am I looking to change sources?
5. What type of music to do Ilike?
6. How do Ilisten?
a.Is musc a primary or secondary activity?
b. Do Ilisten alone or with friends?
I imagine for most audiophiles it is all out search for fidelity.
7.Do you want to take advantage of the latest tecnolgy?
8. Or you old school and are satisfied with vintage equipment?
Most people agree that you are listening to sound of your speakers. Consequently that is where you should focus the bulk of your efforts. Most people however never get the most out of their speakers because of inadequate or improper amplification. The source material also is important. "Garbage in. Garbage out."
My personal opinion is speakers and amps are a system.
If maximun fidelity is your goal try to keep the signal path simple. Keep bells and whistles to a medium.

Above all trust your own ears. Give yourself to get accustomed to the sound.
I hope that helps.
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The upgrade path is difficult. Start with:
1.What am I willing to spend?
2.Am I looking to solve a problem? Or
3.Am I looking to increase fidelity or frequency extebsion?
4.Am I looking to change sources?
5. What type of music to do Ilike?
6. How do Ilisten?
a.Is musc a primary or secondary activity?
b. Do Ilisten alone or with friends?
I imagine for most audiophiles it is all out search for fidelity.
7.Do you want to take advantage of the latest tecnolgy?
8. Or you old school and are satisfied with vintage equipment?
Most people agree that you are listening to sound of your speakers. Consequently that is where you should focus the bulk of your efforts. Most people however never get the most out of their speakers because of inadequate or improper amplification. The source material also is important. "Garbage in. Garbage out."
My personal opinion is speakers and amps are a system.
If maximun fidelity is your goal try to keep the signal path simple. Keep bells and whistles to a medium.

Above all trust your own ears. Give yourself to get accustomed to the sound.
I hope that helps.

Thanks that info helps a lot! I think I might just start fresh with a new integrated amp and the best speakers I can afford and a rega 2 turntable to start. So much stuff to choose from! My budget will be around $7000 US.
That's far from a bad budget to start with. Sadly shipping will come in to the factor a bit. If you need phono on the amp that complicates things a little, still look at companies like Schiit and not JVC/Pioneer/etc. Also I might suggest the forum as there are more members that play around in a budget in that range. For example you might want some Omega speakers, Salk, or Spatial speakers (Spatials require a good amount of room).

You could get the Lyr DAC and Phono upgrade to control the Aegir amp, on some Salk SongTowers for example.

Here's a real fun config. Decware MODEL SE34I.5 + stepped attenuator +input tubes, Omega Super 3 High Output XRS speakers, and Hagerman Cornet3.

Important question, what type of music do you like? That will help determine what type of gear you should use. And how do you like to listen, super loud or no? The Omega setup I just said would play any music but it isn't for hosting a party at really loud levels, but will play pretty loud for just you.
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Daniel, if you're prepared to consider good vintage gear, these Infinity Renaissance 90's (2nd owner) look to be complete and in excellent shape. They're well priced at $1500. I owned a pair of Ren 90's & they punch well above their weight, even by today's standards if you've got the room and enough power to drive them. My only reservation with this seller is he doesn't have any feedback history on Audiomart. However he may have feedback history on Ebay or Audiogon he can link into. Generally with vintage gear, a home audition & pickup is recommended if possible. If not, just ask lots of questions. I can help on that last point if you make an enquiry.

With your budget, you can find some killer used integrated amps like this LSA Statement Plus in very good shape, asking $2900. That is a tube hybrid amp and would drive the Rens with no trouble. Actually the High Energy Emit/Emim's like some tubes in the mix. And for cables, Furutech offers good bang for the buck, and can be ordered in bulk or finished wire.
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That's far from a bad budget to start with. Sadly shipping will come in to the factor a bit. If you need phono on the amp that complicates things a little, still look at companies like Schiit and not JVC/Pioneer/etc. Also I might suggest the forum as there are more members that play around in a budget in that range. For example you might want some Omega speakers, Salk, or Spatial speakers (Spatials require a good amount of room).

You could get the Lyr DAC and Phono upgrade to control the Aegir amp, on some Salk SongTowers for example.

Here's a real fun config. Decware MODEL SE34I.5 + stepped attenuator +input tubes, Omega Super 3 High Output XRS speakers, and Hagerman Cornet3.

Important question, what type of music do you like? That will help determine what type of gear you should use. And how do you like to listen, super loud or no? The Omega setup I just said would play any music but it isn't for hosting a party at really loud levels, but will play pretty loud for just you.

Thanks again for the advice, greatly appreciated. I will research your suggestions, honestly I don't even know some of the brands! I know I can get a stylus for $7000. Will start researching....might have to make a trip to NY or Toronto. Thanks for the help
Again, what type of music do you like? That would really help suggesting.
Hi Daniel,

You live in Brazil, are you intending to buy your audio gear from local audio dealers, or online?
For speakers it's best to audition first, and possibly on a loan in your own listening room.

It's easy to recommend this and that for that kind of budget...speakers, integrated amps, receivers, etc. But for loudspeakers it becomes quite personal...the Sound character.
We can recommend top speakers (objectively and subjectively) for tremendous value.
It doesn't mean that you are going to be attuned to their character, right.
It's your own ears, nobody else's set of ears. And the speakers in your room are the two most important factors in the acoustic space where your ears live.

I like Yamaha products...integrated amps, pre/pros, receivers, ...
I like Rotel too for audio electronics.
Marantz, Pioneer Elite, Rega, Lynn, ...

I don't know what your local audio dealers carry, the brands of speakers and audio electronics?
I like more doing business with someone in real life.

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Hi Daniel,

You live in Brazil, are you intending to buy your audio gear from local audio dealers, or online?
For speakers it's best to audition first, and possibly on a loan in your own listening room.

It's easy to recommend this and that for that kind of budget...speakers, integrated amps, receivers, etc. But for loudspeakers it becomes quite personal...the Sound character.
We can recommend top speakers (objectively and subjectively) for tremendous value.
It doesn't mean that you are going to be attuned to their character, right.
It's your own ears, nobody else's set of ears. And the speakers in your room are the two most important factors in the acoustic space where your ears live.

I like Yamaha products...integrated amps, pre/pros, receivers, ...
I like Rotel too for audio electronics.
Marantz, Pioneer Elite, Rega, Lynn, ...

I don't know what your local audio dealers carry, the brands of speakers and audio electronics?
I like more doing business with someone in real life.

Thanks so much for your reply. Very helpful, I will have to make a trip to NY or Toronto to start building a modest but hopefully nice sounding system. EVERYTHING is 3to 4 times the price in Brazil. Only half decent speakers I had the chance to listen to are B& W s 600 series. I really want to hear as many as possible, some great suggestions from people . Yes I would like to talk to an audio professional as well. Will be looking at bookshelf speakers or smaller size speakers so I can bring them back. Hopefully $7000 can keep me happy. Reading some things on this forum I know Im wayyy out of my league but Im learning lots and am very grateful for any help...
Daniel, if you're prepared to consider good vintage gear, these Infinity Renaissance 90's (2nd owner) look to be complete and in excellent shape. They're well priced at $1500. I owned a pair of Ren 90's & they punch well above their weight, even by today's standards if you've got the room and enough power to drive them. My only reservation with this seller is he doesn't have any feedback history on Audiomart. However he may have feedback history on Ebay or Audiogon he can link into. Generally with vintage gear, a home audition & pickup is recommended if possible. If not, just ask lots of questions. I can help on that last point if you make an enquiry.

With your budget, you can find some killer used integrated amps like this LSA Statement Plus in very good shape, asking $2900. That is a tube hybrid amp and would drive the Rens with no trouble. Actually the High Energy Emit/Emim's like some tubes in the mix. And for cables, Furutech offers good bang for the buck, and can be ordered in bulk or finished wire.
Thanks so much for your reply. I live in Brazil so online equipment is impossible with the tax and shipping. I will have to take a trip to Toronto or NY and buy new. I know $7000 isn't a lot on this forum but its a start! Thanks again
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Again, what type of music do you like? That would really help suggesting.
Hmmm anything from Sinatra to Iron Maiden. Early David Bowie, a lot of 80s,some instrumental Opera and Blues , like Major Lazer, The xx, and some base oriented music. Will be looking at a small or bookshelf speaker 50- 100 watts handling. I've read some reviews a lot to consider but I lean towards something that can handle base...any suggestions Thankyou so much for your time and any advice.
Well, I certainly wouldn't suggest bookshelves since you like bass. They are pretty diametrical opposed. Also bookshelf speakers don't sound good on bookshelfs. They sound good mounted on stands 16 inches or more from the wall.

The Salk WOW1 can play fairly low for a bookshelf. Along with the Shiit Ragnarok it should do pretty good. Then you just need a phono preamp like the Hagerman.

You have to understand these recommendations are of things in leagues that your previous stuff could never have dreamed about. Your budget is substantial enough to start off with some stuff that's actually pretty good. Most people on this forum wouldn't even consider Technics or Cerwin Vega to be remotely audiophile like. You'll be entering a new world of bliss.
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What he just said ^

* By plane I don't know how big the speakers you can bring with you, without paying too much duty.

Or, small quality bookshelves with a small quality subwoofer?

It is true that in Brazil all audio electronics are expensive, and importing as well.
I know, my best friend audiophile doctor she's from Brazil, near São Paulo.
By the way she is using B&W bookshelf loudspeakers (with separate subwoofer), and Rotel amplification. For preamp (SSP) I think it's a Rotel as well. She has no turntable, but a quality universal Blu-ray player; BDs, CDs, SACDs, HDCDs, ... (she's into classical music...violins).
Of course she not only likes hi-fi stereo music but also multichannel, plus surround sound. She is diversified, versatile and highly intelligent.

Plus she's highly knowledgeable in computers and smartphones and streaming hi-res audio music.
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Well, I certainly wouldn't suggest bookshelves since you like bass. They are pretty diametrical opposed. Also bookshelf speakers don't sound good on bookshelfs. They sound good mounted on stands 16 inches or more from the wall.

The Salk WOW1 can play fairly low for a bookshelf. Along with the Shiit Ragnarok it should do pretty good. Then you just need a phono preamp like the Hagerman.

You have to understand these recommendations are of things in leagues that your previous stuff could never have dreamed about. Your budget is substantial enough to start off with some stuff that's actually pretty good. Most people on this forum wouldn't even consider Technics or Cerwin Vega to be remotely audiophile like. You'll be entering a new world of bliss.
Thanks again, yes I bought that stuff when I was 18 ! yes I will be in for a treat...was reviewing dyna audio special 40...kef r3...nht c3 all are in top reviews for under $3000..The salk got raving reviews as well at a nice price point for me. Thanks you have been very very helpful. If I have any further questions can I drop a line?
What he just said ^

* By plane I don't know how big the speakers you can bring with you, without paying too much duty.

Or, small quality bookshelves with a small quality subwoofer?

It is true that in Brazil all audio electronics are expensive, and importing as well.
I know, my best friend audiophile doctor she's from Brazil, near São Paulo.
By the way she is using B&W bookshelf loudspeakers (with separate subwoofer), and Rotel amplification. For preamp (SSP) I think it's a Rotel as well. She has no turntable, but a quality universal Blu-ray player; BDs, CDs, SACDs, HDCDs, ... (she's into classical music...violins).
Of course she not only likes hi-fi stereo music but also multichannel, plus surround sound. She is diversified, versatile and highly intelligent.

Plus she's highly knowledgeable in computers and smartphones and streaming hi-res audio music.
Thanks for the reply, I can get a bigger speaker into Brazil, what ever I can fit into something the size of a hockey bag.... Im even willing to pay $90 US for an extra bag! I enter as a tourist since I have a valid CDN passport so no duty worries. Im rather concerned how bounced around they'll get. Wonderful idea adding a subwoofer. thanking you kindly for your input. Muito Obrigado !
Please continue to post. I get updated on this thread, and will try to answer questions/give opinions. It's important to get people into the hobby because it's a long and rewarding one.
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Please continue to post. I get updated on this thread, and will try to answer questions/give opinions. It's important to get people into the hobby because it's a long and rewarding one.
Thanks Im sure to have more questions before I go to Toronto or NY.

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