New Floor


Nov 22, 2012
This could go in different areas but, general has more viewings that any other. Feel free to move it if needed.

I more than likely will need to replace the flooring in my acoustically treated listening room.
There is currently carpeting over foam padding over plywood.

At this time my preference is to use a hard surface and probably a rug in front of the speakers to cover the listening area.

If you were having to do the same, what surface or product would you use.

I am leaving out the why and how part unless it becomes necessary.

Thanks, I am wondering if the type of hard floor will make any difference? My gut tells me that its nothing I would ever hear.
Thanks, I am wondering if the type of hard floor will make any difference? My gut tells me that its nothing I would ever hear.
If you subscribe to many of the opinions expressed here, you may be convinced that oak is an acoustically better, or worse, floor than some other option. Personally, I think the subfloor is a bigger deal. I prefer a concrete slab.

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