Cool, hope it's as good as the premium, or better. Also where does it rate to ultimate diamond?
And yes supposedly much better than the premium
I’d like to know if this is the case
WBF Control to Major might be interested
I'm trying to remember if JackD or his brother are using the OPUS ONE with having to re-read their system details
I am still confused about ZYX models. Is what we are talking about here the Ultimate Dynamic with carbon cantilever and non magnetic coil bobbin?
The Ultimate Series is a global series. The Universe Series is exclusively made for US, distributed by Sorasound globally. So if I wanted to buy Ultimate, I would buy it from the country I was in, but Universe I could order from Sorasound. He can't sell an Ultimate here if there is a UK appointed distributor.
The Ultimate series has its own hierarchy. The Universe Premium was the best in the Universe hierarchy, and apparently the best Zyx, and then in the Universe hierarchy came Universe II at half the price or so. So now we have Universe III - lower price than Premium, but newer generation. At least that's my understanding.
And Pietro's Zyx diamond is twice the price of the Premium, not sure which
Gian might know
Anyone has heard TOL of both series?
It's Jim with the Opus (Air Tight) and Platinums (My Sonic). I use TD Ti and Ultra Eminent Be (in the US I believe it is EX). These are what I call my "hard bodies" because well, the bodies are hard. The Stone Koetsus and the GFS the "firm" and the others I call the "Woodies" LOL
I haven't used ZYX for ages. My only ZYX here is the Airy 3 S. I imagine ZYX carts would work well with the Black Beauty arm. I'm not sure how the BB handles really heavy carts.
Jack, it is a bit off topic, but which cartridge does your brother prefer, the AirTight Opus or the MSL Platinum? I have the two models just below those and slightly prefer the MSL for its dynamics and greater extension.