If you're looking for a reasonably decent 8 episode series - Paris Has Fallen on Hulu - might suit you. Sean Harris , who was in a couple of Mission Impossible movies, gives a solid performance from my vantage point
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Main System:
Speakers - Daedalus Argos V2, Taket Live supertweeterss
Amps - Modwright LS100 pre & KWA100SE power; Line Magnetic 518IA & Finale Audio 7189MK2 tube integrated amps
Digital - Neodio Origine S2 CD Player with incorporated B1 isolators
Analogue - Music Hall Stealth DD turntable, Ortofon 2m Blue, Clearaudio Smart Phono V2, Stack Audio Serene Stabilizer, Triode Wire Labs Spirit 2 phono cable, Herbies Audio Lab Way Excellent 2 & Ken Davis Audio 33 1/3 Mats
Speaker Cables - Clear Day Audio Double Shotgun ; & Anticable Level 2 for supertweeters. RCA Interconnects - Tchernov Ultimate Slim ,& Reference 2, and Acoustic BBQ
Power Cords - Audio Art Cable Statement e2Cryo (3), & Power1 ePlus cryo (1) ; Zenwave Audio PCR14 (1)
LessLoss Firewalls for Speakers
Tubes - various NOS signal, driver, rectifier and power in integrated amps and preamp except Linlai Global D Dream Series 845s in the LM 518IA ; and either NOS or Sophia Electric 6SN7s in preamp
Power - Zero Surge 2R15W; Blue Circle BC6000,; Shunyata Defender; Puron Filter (2).
Racks - Valley Plastic and Solid Steel
GIK Acoustic floor-standing panels
Isolation - Neodio Origine B2s under integrated amps, Stack Audio EQs under Modwright preamp, and Music Hall Stealth TT, VooDoo Cable Iso-Pods under Blue Circle power condition, Stack Audio Auva 100 Speaker Isolators; handmade speaker cable risers
2nd System
Ayon Spirit 2 integrated amp, JM Reynaud Offrande Supreme V2 speakers, Taket Batpro supertweeters , Modwright Elysee DAC, Simaudio 260DT CD transport, Wadia 171i IPOD transport, 160G IPOD Classic, Triode Wire Labs Spirit 2 RCA interconnect, Tchernov AES/EBU digital cable, Acoustic BBQ SPDIF digital cable, Clear Day Cable Double Shotgun, & Jupiter speaker cables, Audio Art Cable Power 1SE power cords Neodio B2s and Stack Audio isolation devices , handmade speaker cable risers, ZeroSurge 8R15W, Blue Circle power conditioner, Shunyata Venom Defender, NOS signal tubes, Gold Lion or Psvane T2 KT88s, Sophia Electric 274B Blue Rectifier