Power outage last night, 6.1 subs not working correctly?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2021
So last night we had a brief power outage due to some storms, it was brief so immediately power came back on producing a loud thump in the process from the sound system. It was late so I turn all gear off overnight but booted it all back up this morning. It appears the subs in my 6.1's are not delivering their full power. Checked the AC fuses at the rear plate and continuity was good. Running a brown noise signal at 20 hz - 20 KHZ however rendered only a small amount of output with the gain dial set at 6. In order to obtain what sounded more appropriate I had to run the dial almost all the way up to between 9-11. I have other Genesis 928 subs and they are all fine apparently.

Does this seem normal, or appropriate? Is there anything else such as internal fuses I could check that might have blown? Thanks In advance.


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