Simple Pre-amp or Volume Controller


Aug 20, 2022
Seattle area
I am looking for a high quality volume controller with a remote control. The SPL Volume2 Stereo Volume Controller looks perfect except no remote. Can anyone recommend a similar device?

I currently am using an Accuphase E-380 integraged amp as a pre-amp connected to my Coda S5.5 amplifier. I have my TV, Computer and streamer connected to my DAC and that is connected via XLR to the Accuphase. My setup works just fine right now but it seems a waste to be using the Accuphase integrated in such a way. I would prefer to find something for less money that could accomplish the basic task I am using it for and sell the Accuphase and use that money for a different audio purhcase.

The Ladder Bach pre-amp looks promising as does the Schiit Kara. I really only need one set of XLR in and either XLR or RAC out, no phono stage.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

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