Testing 6336 Tube with Amplitrex AT1000


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Does anyone know what adapter is needed to test a 6336 tube with an Amplitrex AT1000? The instructions say that an adapter is required.

On a different note, it would be nice if we all shared out tubedata.csv files so we can add to the list of tubes that can be tested.
Does anyone know what adapter is needed to test a 6336 tube with an Amplitrex AT1000? The instructions say that an adapter is required.

On a different note, it would be nice if we all shared out tubedata.csv files so we can add to the list of tubes that can be tested.
I wonder why it needs an adapter and a 6as7 doesn't. A 6336 is basically two 6as7 in parallel with twice the heater current.
I wonder why it needs an adapter and a 6as7 doesn't. A 6336 is basically two 6as7 in parallel with twice the heater current.

Chris wrote me back and said the reason is that the AT1000 only puts out 3.5 amps so an adapter plus power supply to increase the wattage is required.

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