My audio journey began in 1977, in college with a used Kenwood 16w/ch receiver and a couple of 2 way speakers and a Garrard Turntable. Upgraded to a pair of Scott 3-way speakers and a Kenwood Integrated Amp after graduation with a Kenwood Turntable. One day, I heard a pair of modded Quad ESLs with powered by a Quicksilver amp, ARC preamp and a Sota Star turntable. I was smitten. That was 1988 and so began my journey into high end hifi. Being a hardworking engineer with a family my hobbyist purists focused on some new, some used and diy upgrades to the room, the amps and preamp. I built a dedicated room in 1994 using what I learned doing Automotive NVH work including acoustics and FFT analysis. That was the best my stereo sounded for years to come. With relocations over the years I didn't have a dedicated listening room again until 2017. After retiring in 2021 I began my Audio upgrade project in earnest from the ground up. I rebuilt the room with a wood floor. Added acoustic treatments from GIK and others balancing out the absorption and reflections to make the room acoustically neutral. I updated my CD player of 15 years to a DAC and CD Transport. After 6 months or more of studying and experimenting I stepped up to streaming music. I have made a few changes to the digital side since then and have now settled into a system I enjoy very much. The last piece- I am awaiting the new SR Ethernet Switch UEF. I have their current switch on loan.
My system consists of components that I have either heard over the years or took a chance on and had them shipped to my home for audition. Not everything I tried in house stayed. I'd say it was a 50% success rate. I relied more on these forums for selecting gear than on published reviews. Even then it could be agonizing at times even to just make the decision to try something out. In the end, or as of today I am satisfied with the performance of my system. My one hesitation is that the Helene DAC and Antipodes K50 music server must stay on 24/7. They consume a modest amount of power so I count is as part of the operating cost of the system. The Antipodes is on a battery backup so I have time to power it down properly in case of a power outage. The Helene consumes GZ34 rectifier tubes at a rate of one tube every 7 months or so. It depends on keeping the Helene powered up. It seems aged tubes do not do well when turning the DAC back on. I have purchased some higher quality rectifier tubes but have not replaced the current tube yet. It is 8 months old now. So I know in the event of a power outage or if I decide to power down the DAC it will be time to replace the GZ34 Tube.
The system is as follows:
Wilson Audio Sasha DAW- got them in 2022. Wanted the Alexia 2's. Couldn't bring myself to write a check that big. For my room, 17X27 feet or (3700 cuft) the DAW's work and the Alexia's would have also worked, I think.
Pass Labs X260.8 Amplifiers- Got these in 2021 in anticipation of getting Wilson speakers. These monos replaced my Pass Labs X350 that I bought in 2002. My son now uses that amp.
Audio Research Ref 6SE Preamp- upgraded from the Ref 5SE last summer. It was a worthy upgrade as it turned out.
Audio Research Ref 2SE Phono Preamp- bought this with the Ref 5SE. Decided to stick with this vs upgrading to the REF 3SE Phono.
Sota Nova VI Turntable with vacuum and Roadrunner speed control system- My third Sota Turntable since 1992. Great sound, great PRaT.
SME 309 Tonearm
Soundsmith Zephyr MC phono cartridge
Aeries Cerat Helene DAC- Incredible sound, best PRaT from digital I have heard.
Antipodies K50 Music Server/Player
Ayon CD Transport- Originally paired with the Ayon Stealth DAC. Great sound and PRaT with the Helene DAC but really do not use it now since getting the Antipodes.
Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF- on loan awaiting the new model which should be out already.
AudioQuest Niagara 5000 Power Conditioner- made quite a difference to my front end even with a dedicated power line.
Purist Audio Design Power Cords, Speaker Cables, Phono Cable, Interconnects and USB cable from Music Server to DAC
AudioQuest Power cord on the Power conditioner, Ethernet Cables and AES cable from Transport to DAC
Wellfloat Platform for DAC.
Gaia Titan Thesis 70 Speaker isolation feet on the Wilsons
Audioquest Power Outlets
Tweaks include GIK sound treatments, wool rugs, diffusers and absorbers. Also designed and built spring isolation platforms tuned specifically for the components that rest on them.

My system consists of components that I have either heard over the years or took a chance on and had them shipped to my home for audition. Not everything I tried in house stayed. I'd say it was a 50% success rate. I relied more on these forums for selecting gear than on published reviews. Even then it could be agonizing at times even to just make the decision to try something out. In the end, or as of today I am satisfied with the performance of my system. My one hesitation is that the Helene DAC and Antipodes K50 music server must stay on 24/7. They consume a modest amount of power so I count is as part of the operating cost of the system. The Antipodes is on a battery backup so I have time to power it down properly in case of a power outage. The Helene consumes GZ34 rectifier tubes at a rate of one tube every 7 months or so. It depends on keeping the Helene powered up. It seems aged tubes do not do well when turning the DAC back on. I have purchased some higher quality rectifier tubes but have not replaced the current tube yet. It is 8 months old now. So I know in the event of a power outage or if I decide to power down the DAC it will be time to replace the GZ34 Tube.
The system is as follows:
Wilson Audio Sasha DAW- got them in 2022. Wanted the Alexia 2's. Couldn't bring myself to write a check that big. For my room, 17X27 feet or (3700 cuft) the DAW's work and the Alexia's would have also worked, I think.
Pass Labs X260.8 Amplifiers- Got these in 2021 in anticipation of getting Wilson speakers. These monos replaced my Pass Labs X350 that I bought in 2002. My son now uses that amp.
Audio Research Ref 6SE Preamp- upgraded from the Ref 5SE last summer. It was a worthy upgrade as it turned out.
Audio Research Ref 2SE Phono Preamp- bought this with the Ref 5SE. Decided to stick with this vs upgrading to the REF 3SE Phono.
Sota Nova VI Turntable with vacuum and Roadrunner speed control system- My third Sota Turntable since 1992. Great sound, great PRaT.
SME 309 Tonearm
Soundsmith Zephyr MC phono cartridge
Aeries Cerat Helene DAC- Incredible sound, best PRaT from digital I have heard.
Antipodies K50 Music Server/Player
Ayon CD Transport- Originally paired with the Ayon Stealth DAC. Great sound and PRaT with the Helene DAC but really do not use it now since getting the Antipodes.
Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF- on loan awaiting the new model which should be out already.
AudioQuest Niagara 5000 Power Conditioner- made quite a difference to my front end even with a dedicated power line.
Purist Audio Design Power Cords, Speaker Cables, Phono Cable, Interconnects and USB cable from Music Server to DAC
AudioQuest Power cord on the Power conditioner, Ethernet Cables and AES cable from Transport to DAC
Wellfloat Platform for DAC.
Gaia Titan Thesis 70 Speaker isolation feet on the Wilsons
Audioquest Power Outlets
Tweaks include GIK sound treatments, wool rugs, diffusers and absorbers. Also designed and built spring isolation platforms tuned specifically for the components that rest on them.

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