Triode Wire Labs is proud to be awarded the 2024 Positive Feedback's Writers' Choice Award...
Triode Wire Labs American II Series Power Cord $629 (6 ft. version)
The American II power cord has been able to make a positive difference in my system which already has power that is generated via in-house solar panels and then subjected to some truly excellent power conditioning measures. This being the case, imagine the difference it could make to your audio system if it has more modest power conditioning measures and especially if your system has no power conditioning measures at all!
If you have a high-end digital source component, it would behoove you to seriously consider acquiring the Triode Wire Labs American II power cord to help improve the power that you feed into it. At well under a thousand dollars for a six-foot power cord, you would be hard pressed to find a more affordable way to improve the sound quality that you get from your digitally encoded music collection.
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Thank you Malcolm & Dr. Robinson!
Triode Wire Labs American II Series Power Cord $629 (6 ft. version)

The American II power cord has been able to make a positive difference in my system which already has power that is generated via in-house solar panels and then subjected to some truly excellent power conditioning measures. This being the case, imagine the difference it could make to your audio system if it has more modest power conditioning measures and especially if your system has no power conditioning measures at all!
If you have a high-end digital source component, it would behoove you to seriously consider acquiring the Triode Wire Labs American II power cord to help improve the power that you feed into it. At well under a thousand dollars for a six-foot power cord, you would be hard pressed to find a more affordable way to improve the sound quality that you get from your digitally encoded music collection.
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Thank you Malcolm & Dr. Robinson!