Unexplained weight gain?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Several months ago I gained approximately 6 lbs over a period of two weeks.

As background, my lifestyle over the past two decades involves a significant level of sacrifice and dedication to maintain and elevate my health and fitness. I could very accurately predict my morning weight to the nearest half pound based on the activity and consumption from the previous day. This change has therefore been quite frustrating. Even more frustrating was seeking advice on the root cause.

Many would inquire into changes to my eating or fitness regime to which I would reply that this would result in 'explainable' changes. I did bring this up to my GP, and he immediately requested that we calculated my BMI. I very nearly exited the office as BMI is a very dated measure (most NFL running backs with 7% body fat would be deemed class I obese according to BMI). I am certainly not at risk for being at an unhealthy weight and I gauge my body composition with more advanced measures. I have since improved my diet by reducing my sugar intake and overall caloric intake at a general level.

I continue to lift weights 2x per week with 45 to 60 mins of cardio 5-6x/week. There has been very little progress thus far. I should add that the increase is entirely fat composition based on data from my smart scale (acknowledging that there is large error with these devices) and the fit of my clothes. Perhaps this can be attributed to age (currently 49) but the onset was quite sudden and a significant departure from historical patterns. I do have education and training in exercise physiology from my remote past.

Looking to see if anyone has any insight or has experienced something similar.
My take on things is that this sugar demonisation is absurd.
The body / brain runs for a large part on sugar .

I ve tried to lose a of bit Weight as well by abolishing sugar and do intermittent fastimg.
It was desastreus for my well being / immune system .
These days i take a lot of refined sugar during the day and i feel super healthy. energetic

I think a lot of health issues and mental issues are caused by depriving the body of sugar .
White rice is also very good and so are fruits.

Did you know that for example pogacar consumes almost 100 grams of sugar per hour during big efforts .
Its the fuel of the body and it doesn’t make you fat
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  • Haha
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Get a blood test and check as @Audiohertz2 recommended your testosterone levels. Also have your thyroid levels TSH and T4 checked. The one problem with these hormones is the wide 'normal' range which can by time of day when blood is drawn and vary by lab; each of the major labs can often have their own 'normal' range. Unless you have some recent (within the last 3-5 years) baseline, the best the blood test will tell if there is a major problem. However, you are not complaining of fatigue, which if you were very low in these hormones you 'should' also be experiencing.

Otherwise, the weight gain could be nothing more than the 'new normal' as a consequence of aging. If so, then if you want to continue to eat as you have, you need to increase your calories burned. For your cardio, increasing intensity is a quick way to increase calories burned and if not using heart monitor, it's worthwhile if nothing more than to make sure you have not fallen into a rut and most machines very poorly report calories burned. Alternatively, look at your diet. You may need to adjust to reduce calories consumed and how you consume them. Smaller meals but more meals can increase your metabolism.

I am an avid cyclist, riding 1,000's of miles every year, 10-15-hrs every week, and I have had to 'adjust' my diet a number of times over the years to keep the energy balance right (calories-in to calories-out). Pizza and chips are long since in the rear-view and I have acquired a taste and appreciation for lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein.
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My take on things is that this sugar demonisation is absurd.
The body / brain runs for a large part on sugar .

I ve tried to lose a of bit Weight as well by abolishing sugar and do intermittent fastimg.
It was desastreus for my well being / immune system .
These days i take a lot of refined sugar during the day and i feel super healthy. energetic

I think a lot of health issues and mental issues are caused by depriving the body of sugar .
White rice is also very good and so are fruits.

Did you know that for example pogacar consumes almost 100 grams of sugar per hour during big efforts .
Its the fuel of the body and it doesn’t make you fat

Absurd , very ! are you doing 1000Km per month on your bicycle ..!
Absurd , very ! are you doing 1000Km per month on your bicycle ..!
Off course not did i say anywhere i consume almost a kilo of sugar like pogacar .

I take a good amount with tea and coffee yoghurt etc.

You know what is absurd ....
You re bad fast food joints / food habits in the US and the farmaceutical drug companies subsequently profiting from it by the selliing pills to cure the bad food / poor life style .

Is it deliberate ...possible you dont make money of healthy people thats for sure
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