Vivid Video Enhancer by Add Powr


New Member
Sep 25, 2024
I would like to pass on my experience with a new product from ADD POWR called the viVid Video Enhancer!
I purchased one at the last Axpona Show in Chicago earlier this year.
What an amazing product! I have a Sony 65” tv so I installed it in between my cable box and television via HDMI. What a difference in picture quality, Brighter, Increased Detail, Depth almost 3D like and Contrast is unbelievable. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Even the sound got better.
So guess what, I purchased a few more and have them on all my tv’s in the house. Even my wife commented on the picture quality and she never says anything about any new gear!
So do yourself a favor and try one, you have 30 days to return if you don’t see an improvement.
They have both an HDMI model and a Coax model. Pick the model that fits your needs! If you love watching movies and listening to improved audio quality this is for you! Thank you for listening!

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