Wavestream Kinetics Deluxe Phono

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
Midwest USA

I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with the Wavestream Kinetics phono stage?

Does it have both MC and MM inputs?
What is the gain for each?

How does the sound compare to other phonos you’ve heard?

Any tube rush?
Best wishes,
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I have one. Mine has 2 MC inputs and 1 MM. I bought it used directly from Brian at the Analog Room in San Jose. Very nice phono stage. Worked great for about 5 years, but developed a low-level motor boating about 6 months ago. I haven’t gotten around to troubleshooting the issue—likely a cap. It still sounds great. I think the MC gain is 68 dB.

It filled in nicely for my Rowland Consummate while Jeff had it for repair. Definitely a class A phono stage.

Here’s a write up I did when I first got it.
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Hello ACHiPo,

Thank you so much for your reply and for sharing the link to your impressions for the Wavestream Kinetics Tube Phono Stage :)

I have admired Scott Frankland's design work for many many years, not just with the current Wavestream Kinetics tube gear, but also going back to the MFA ("M"Bruce Moore -"F" Scott Frankland - "A" Associates) years.

So, after having many conversations with Scott Frankland, on Feb 17 I placed a deposit with Scott for his current Wavestream Kinetic Level 5 Reference phono amp. His phono amp has always been on my "bucket list". It is an all tube design currently using (2 x 12AX7, 4 x 6DJ8); with extremely low noise (I believe with the external power supply that the current Level 5 Reference now comes with) noise is below 1uV (one-millionth of a volt ); providing 3 front panel selectable inputs = two MC at 62 dB of gain (without the use of SUT’s or FETS) with a useful cartridge range of 0.2mV to 1.2mV and one MM output at 42dB (you are able to choose your MM gain or you can have 3 MC ); having both balanced and RCA inputs and outputs; adjustable loading available on the back panel via custom loading plugs; and an essentially flat RIAA EQ curve within one tenth of a dB (.1dB) from 3 Hz to 40 Khz. *** The above specs are from the best of my recollection - if you have interest, please consult with Scott Frankland to confirm. He is wonderful to communicate with. ***

I have not received it yet, but I can certainly say that I am very excited to be able to hear it in my system. Scott is not only an excellent and talented designer, but is also a true gentleman and what I believe to be an asset to the audiophile community.

The current Wavestream Deluxe is actually in it’s Level 5 Reference iteration. Levels 1-3 were 5 tube configurations offering 60 dB of gain. The upgrade to Level 4 changed from 5 tubes to a 6 tube circuit using 4 x 6DJ8 & 2 x 12AX7. He said that there are several benefits over the previous 5-tube circuit....

1. Reduced crosstalk between channels gives more precise localization of images in complex material. The crosstalk was due to the shared 12AX7 in the 5 tube circuit.

2. Increased headroom allows bigger peak inputs without compression or harshness.

3. High-frequency bandwidth is extended to 50kHz. This improves leading edge transients (high-frequency detail, speed and air).

4. The output impedance has been reduced. This helps to cancel the adverse effects of cable capacitance and amplifier impedance. By the same means, the load presented by the RIAA network is isolated from the outside world.

5. Upgraded signal coupling caps provide better definition and a more natural tonal balance.

6. Both power supply regulators have been improved to optimize transient response.

I believe he said that the previous 5 tube units can be upgraded to the Level 4, six tube circuit with an upgraded audio board, numerous parts and power supply upgrades for about $2850. You will want to confirm this with Scott.

The current Level 5 Reference also now has an outboard power supply which I believe reduces the already impressive noise floor even lower.

I’m really excited and looking forward to having this as a major part of my vinyl system.

Wishing you all the very best of health, love and happiness!
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Hello ACHiPo,

Thank you so much for your reply and for sharing the link to your impressions for the Wavestream Kinetics Tube Phono Stage :)

I have admired Scott Frankland's design work for many many years, not just with the current Wavestream Kinetics tube gear, but also going back to the MFA ("M"Bruce Moore -"F" Scott Frankland - "A" Associates) years.

So, after having many conversations with Scott Frankland, on Feb 17 I placed a deposit with Scott for his current Wavestream Kinetic Level 5 Reference phono amp. His phono amp has always been on my "bucket list". It is an all tube design currently using (2 x 12AX7, 4 x 6DJ8); with extremely low noise (I believe with the external power supply that the current Level 5 Reference now comes with) noise is below 1uV (one-millionth of a volt ); providing 3 front panel selectable inputs = two MC at 62 dB of gain (without the use of SUT’s or FETS) with a useful cartridge range of 0.2mV to 1.2mV and one MM output at 42dB (you are able to choose your MM gain or you can have 3 MC ); having both balanced and RCA inputs and outputs; adjustable loading available on the back panel via custom loading plugs; and an essentially flat RIAA EQ curve within one tenth of a dB (.1dB) from 3 Hz to 40 Khz. *** The above specs are from the best of my recollection - if you have interest, please consult with Scott Frankland to confirm. He is wonderful to communicate with. ***

I have not received it yet, but I can certainly say that I am very excited to be able to hear it in my system. Scott is not only an excellent and talented designer, but is also a true gentleman and what I believe to be an asset to the audiophile community.

The current Wavestream Deluxe is actually in it’s Level 5 Reference iteration. Levels 1-3 were 5 tube configurations offering 60 dB of gain. The upgrade to Level 4 changed from 5 tubes to a 6 tube circuit using 4 x 6DJ8 & 2 x 12AX7. He said that there are several benefits over the previous 5-tube circuit....

1. Reduced crosstalk between channels gives more precise localization of images in complex material. The crosstalk was due to the shared 12AX7 in the 5 tube circuit.

2. Increased headroom allows bigger peak inputs without compression or harshness.

3. High-frequency bandwidth is extended to 50kHz. This improves leading edge transients (high-frequency detail, speed and air).

4. The output impedance has been reduced. This helps to cancel the adverse effects of cable capacitance and amplifier impedance. By the same means, the load presented by the RIAA network is isolated from the outside world.

5. Upgraded signal coupling caps provide better definition and a more natural tonal balance.

6. Both power supply regulators have been improved to optimize transient response.

I believe he said that the previous 5 tube units can be upgraded to the Level 4, six tube circuit with an upgraded audio board, numerous parts and power supply upgrades for about $2850. You will want to confirm this with Scott.

The current Level 5 Reference also now has an outboard power supply which I believe reduces the already impressive noise floor even lower.

I’m really excited and looking forward to having this as a major part of my vinyl system.

Wishing you all the very best of health, love and happiness!
I look forward to your impressions. I pulled my Wavestream last week to get the motor boating fixed. The Rowland is nice—no switches to flip before listening, but I miss the Wavestream.

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Hello Evan,

I won't be receiving it until near the end of April... Can you say... "ANTICIPATION"?
I've saved for quite a long time to be able to get this... it's always been on my bucket list... so I can easily wait a few more weeks ;) I'll try to remember to come back and share my impressions with you once I have it settled in.

Are you planning on sending yours back to Scott for service? I don't know if you've ever had the chance to visit with him... you will find him to be a fantastic gentleman. He'd also be able to discuss any upgrades that are currently available for your unit and if you are interested, I would imagine that he could probably do everything all at the same time :)

I've never had the opportunity to hear the Roland. I would love to hear your thoughts on how they differ in their sonic presentations.

Best wishes,
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I’m dropping my phono stage off at Scott’s this week.
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The Rowland Consummate phono stage is dead quiet, of course no tube rush, and very good--timbre, dynamics, musicality, etc. That said, the Wavestream Kinetics even with a bit of tube rush (which I'm hoping Scott can maybe tame a bit in addition to addressing the motorboating) brings musicality, imaging, air, etc. to a higher level. It's not quite as dramatic as moving from my Lyra Kleos cartridge to the SoundSmith Hyperion, but still a step in the right direction.

When I first removed the Wavestream and installed the Rowland, I really liked how easy it was to play a record--no need to worry about what to turn on/off first, as the phono and pre are always on. I started researching possible solid state replacements to the Wavestream, landing on the Pass XS or more likely the XP-27 solid state phono stage. I've even got my eye out for a used Ypsilon or Boulder solid state phono stage. After trading emails with Scott, however, and re-reading about the Wavestream (and Scott's other designs) I decided to hang onto the Wavestream for the foreseeable future.

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I would defiantly hang on to your Wavestream phono. Who knows when products like this will come around again and at what cost.

I was looking at buying a Wavestream phono and had all but decided on the Wavestream when I found the Aesthetix Io. I think these products are in their own class.
The Rowland Consummate phono stage is dead quiet, of course no tube rush, and very good--timbre, dynamics, musicality, etc. That said, the Wavestream Kinetics even with a bit of tube rush (which I'm hoping Scott can maybe tame a bit in addition to addressing the motorboating) brings musicality, imaging, air, etc. to a higher level. It's not quite as dramatic as moving from my Lyra Kleos cartridge to the SoundSmith Hyperion, but still a step in the right direction.

When I first removed the Wavestream and installed the Rowland, I really liked how easy it was to play a record--no need to worry about what to turn on/off first, as the phono and pre are always on. I started researching possible solid state replacements to the Wavestream, landing on the Pass XS or more likely the XP-27 solid state phono stage. I've even got my eye out for a used Ypsilon or Boulder solid state phono stage. After trading emails with Scott, however, and re-reading about the Wavestream (and Scott's other designs) I decided to hang onto the Wavestream for the foreseeable future.

Hi Evan,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me regarding the Wavestream vs the Rowland. I'm so glad that you are having Scott service your phono. I truly believe you are making the right decision there. Did he give you an idea how long it will be before you get it back? Hopefully it won't take too long, but at least you have a great phono stage as a back up :)

Best wishes,
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I would defiantly hang on to your Wavestream phono. Who knows when products like this will come around again and at what cost.

I was looking at buying a Wavestream phono and had all but decided on the Wavestream when I found the Aesthetix Io. I think these products are in their own class.
I couldn't agree with you more, Dan :)
Hi Evan,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me regarding the Wavestream vs the Rowland. I'm so glad that you are having Scott service your phono. I truly believe you are making the right decision there. Did he give you an idea how long it will be before you get it back? Hopefully it won't take too long, but at least you have a great phono stage as a back up :)

Best wishes,
Scott said two weeks, but this isn't my first rodeo, so I'd be VERY impressed (and happy) if I see it back in two weeks. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it seems to be the latest design iteration. I asked him about the tube rush and he said basically it's all down to tube selection as the design is as quiet as it can be (or something to that effect).
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Hi Evan,

Wow, that would be fantastic if you could have it back in two weeks. When Scott says that the design is as quiet as it can be... I'd have to agree. He has the noise down to below 1uV (one-millionth of a volt ). That is quite an impressive feat for an all tube design that eschews the use of JFETS or SUT's. Selection of low noise vacuum tubes is always important, but there is nothing like the musicality of a great tube design as you well know :).

I look forward to hearing how it all turns out for you when you get it back. I think he is planning on shipping mine out on April 19th. I'm anxiously waiting :)

Best wishes,
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Hi Evan,

Wow, that would be fantastic if you could have it back in two weeks. When Scott says that the design is as quiet as it can be... I'd have to agree. He has the noise down to below 1uV (one-millionth of a volt ). That is quite an impressive feat for an all tube design that eschews the use of JFETS or SUT's. Selection of low noise vacuum tubes is always important, but there is nothing like the musicality of a great tube design as you well know :).

I look forward to hearing how it all turns out for you when you get it back. I think he is planning on shipping mine out on April 19th. I'm anxiously waiting :)

Best wishes,
Don, have you received your unit yet? Any impressions? I'm interested in a Wavestream as well. I have a MFA Magus that Scott has upgraded then hotrodded over the years. Still love it.
By the way Scott fixed my phono stage by wiggling tubes (actually he couldn't find the problem, when I reinstalled it the noise was gone. He said he wiggled all the tubes. I think it was just home sick).

Scott told me he has an upgrade available for the phono stage that uses 6 tubes instead of 5. It's not terribly expensive--$2k if I recall. Not sure if I want to mess with it though.

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