Repro amplifiers used multiple transistor arrays in the differential input stage and a very straight audio path was used, in order to keep maximum transparency. In the end, the audio card was about the same as that used in their multitrack machine, the Saturn. The heads were from Photovox, the old one, therefore simply excellent. The audio performance is absolutely in the same league of the top of the line recorders made by Studer, Nagra, Stellavox, Otari, Sony and so on. I have all of them and know well how they sound together with pros and cons of each model.
Unfortunately, the S20 never came to final production because SM was forced to close by its parent company Soundcraft, which was experiencing big financial problems in 1986.
As a consequence, only the demonstrators were assembled and some of them still exist, including the beautiful fully transparent unit (of course fully working, not just dead box) explicitly made to be shown at professional audio trade shows.
This is a video of the 1/2” unit (one of the three manufactured in that format), playing (with its internal speakers) a “Toccata e Fuga” which I personally recorded in my town more than 10 years ago.
I’ve attached some pictures too, for the most curious of you.