Hello Team,
I have to admit I used to be a cable believer but recent events have turned me into A strong cable DENIER. My journey started after talking to most of the members of ASR, and both reading and suggesting their peerless reviews of all things Hifi in order to expose the innumerable hoaxes perpetuated against us as part of the Audiophile community to take advantage of the worst of the Hifi paranoia to make things that need not be made or sell things that need not be sold, kindof of like any Burger at In N Out that isn't ordered "animal style".
So I purchased 3 brand new (READ: brand new to me) AQ Dragon & Firebird 2.0M PC) and sent them through an ASR rigorous double blinded test (with respect to my readers because I will tell you neither what I did not how I did it).
After securing the ASR reconnecting TEMU testing suite of "Spytech" style high quality parabolic listening devices, marked down from $102 --> $29 --> $0 (100 off after applying their top of the line sale to top of the line products)

I set about plugging my AQ DRAGON HC PC into my Crosley/Rotel DC Phonograph single chassis unit and coupled it to my Victorola Faraday cage. After stepping inside said cage, the AQ PC proved it's worthlessness by failing to pull any DC current from my Tesla coil despite being specified for 120V/60Hz sin wave AC input.
Completely failing to generate either current or sound, I next, following the ASR testing protocol set to expose this hoax and Charlatan of Mr Powell and set to determine via a double blind uncontrolled test if at least my Firebird HC PC (since it failed at improving sound,) I thought maybe it must do something, so I plugged my AUDIOQUEST FIREBIRD HC into both my Vitamix and Blendtec Blenders. now, all of you who have seen the “will it blend“ BLENDTEC channel on YouTube can atest that these are hardy wonders requiring strong, pure current.
I double blinded my wife into making Four Smoothies, two with BLENDTEC DRAGON & FIREBIRD powered & one using a Vitamix powered by a dry rotted power cord, and for a positive control, I made one smoothie using an Walmart Oster Blender leftover from College, that I apparently didn’t know that I still had up in the attic in the corner.
My wife was COMPLETELY UNABLE TO TELL the AQ SMOOTHIES from the dry rotted lampcorded powered ones. More importantly she REPEATEDLY CHOSE THE OSTER BLENDER which only operated on one speed “crush“ as making the best smoothies.
More BS from High Fi.
Lastly, since no electronics had ever been shown to make any difference whatsoever, despite the power cord or source ever used I decided to give the Firebird HC and dragon HC one last chance to redeem themselves by hooking them up to my old hacked PS3 from 2006 to see if I could play final fight for 30 minutes without the system crashing due to the dreaded “red ring of death“ (anyone familiar with Xbox and PlayStation of this. Will know exactly what I’m referring to.
I replaced the stock IEC15 PC with the AQ firebird and fired up the PS3.

I was using Blades and will into Streets of Rage 2 for 30 minutes when something strange happened. No RROD, but my hacked PS3 powered by what most only be the AQ FIREBIRD hand of God began to download, load and PLAY several unreleased PS7 games from the Playstation network that had not even reached the concept stage yet. several hours later, I was actually able to stream and binge seasons 3 and 4 of Yellowjackets prior to them being released or even filmed (in the case of season 4). SPOILER ALERT : Sophie Thatchers' adult counterpart meets an untimely death in Season 4 for the third time! Also Matthew Shepherd from LOST makes several cameos as himself throughout most episodes in Seasons 3 & 4.
Regardless. I am at a loss for words, all I can say is my next adventure involves COD BLACK OPS 5 on my FIREBIRD POWERED PS5.

I have to admit I used to be a cable believer but recent events have turned me into A strong cable DENIER. My journey started after talking to most of the members of ASR, and both reading and suggesting their peerless reviews of all things Hifi in order to expose the innumerable hoaxes perpetuated against us as part of the Audiophile community to take advantage of the worst of the Hifi paranoia to make things that need not be made or sell things that need not be sold, kindof of like any Burger at In N Out that isn't ordered "animal style".
So I purchased 3 brand new (READ: brand new to me) AQ Dragon & Firebird 2.0M PC) and sent them through an ASR rigorous double blinded test (with respect to my readers because I will tell you neither what I did not how I did it).
After securing the ASR reconnecting TEMU testing suite of "Spytech" style high quality parabolic listening devices, marked down from $102 --> $29 --> $0 (100 off after applying their top of the line sale to top of the line products)

I set about plugging my AQ DRAGON HC PC into my Crosley/Rotel DC Phonograph single chassis unit and coupled it to my Victorola Faraday cage. After stepping inside said cage, the AQ PC proved it's worthlessness by failing to pull any DC current from my Tesla coil despite being specified for 120V/60Hz sin wave AC input.
Completely failing to generate either current or sound, I next, following the ASR testing protocol set to expose this hoax and Charlatan of Mr Powell and set to determine via a double blind uncontrolled test if at least my Firebird HC PC (since it failed at improving sound,) I thought maybe it must do something, so I plugged my AUDIOQUEST FIREBIRD HC into both my Vitamix and Blendtec Blenders. now, all of you who have seen the “will it blend“ BLENDTEC channel on YouTube can atest that these are hardy wonders requiring strong, pure current.
I double blinded my wife into making Four Smoothies, two with BLENDTEC DRAGON & FIREBIRD powered & one using a Vitamix powered by a dry rotted power cord, and for a positive control, I made one smoothie using an Walmart Oster Blender leftover from College, that I apparently didn’t know that I still had up in the attic in the corner.
My wife was COMPLETELY UNABLE TO TELL the AQ SMOOTHIES from the dry rotted lampcorded powered ones. More importantly she REPEATEDLY CHOSE THE OSTER BLENDER which only operated on one speed “crush“ as making the best smoothies.
More BS from High Fi.
Lastly, since no electronics had ever been shown to make any difference whatsoever, despite the power cord or source ever used I decided to give the Firebird HC and dragon HC one last chance to redeem themselves by hooking them up to my old hacked PS3 from 2006 to see if I could play final fight for 30 minutes without the system crashing due to the dreaded “red ring of death“ (anyone familiar with Xbox and PlayStation of this. Will know exactly what I’m referring to.
I replaced the stock IEC15 PC with the AQ firebird and fired up the PS3.

I was using Blades and will into Streets of Rage 2 for 30 minutes when something strange happened. No RROD, but my hacked PS3 powered by what most only be the AQ FIREBIRD hand of God began to download, load and PLAY several unreleased PS7 games from the Playstation network that had not even reached the concept stage yet. several hours later, I was actually able to stream and binge seasons 3 and 4 of Yellowjackets prior to them being released or even filmed (in the case of season 4). SPOILER ALERT : Sophie Thatchers' adult counterpart meets an untimely death in Season 4 for the third time! Also Matthew Shepherd from LOST makes several cameos as himself throughout most episodes in Seasons 3 & 4.
Regardless. I am at a loss for words, all I can say is my next adventure involves COD BLACK OPS 5 on my FIREBIRD POWERED PS5.