Very little mention of these in general, though when you do find some info the users are very enthusiatic about them being well balanced and quite neutral. Output is high for MC at about 1mv (Davey, maybe one to consider for you?), which puts it in a slightly odd place with regards to gain. Cost here is 2-4k (£). Considering EMT's historical status, and the fact that they produce a £40k phono stage, these cart's should be worthy of some serious attention?

Very little mention of these in general, though when you do find some info the users are very enthusiatic about them being well balanced and quite neutral. Output is high for MC at about 1mv (Davey, maybe one to consider for you?), which puts it in a slightly odd place with regards to gain. Cost here is 2-4k (£). Considering EMT's historical status, and the fact that they produce a £40k phono stage, these cart's should be worthy of some serious attention?