So after much thought and listening I have decided to pull the trigger on a complete VAC Statement setup. Just placed an order for VAC Statement Preamp and a pair of the Statement 452IQ mono amps. I considered and listened to many different options but nothing sounded as much like music to me as the VAC Statement setup. I originally heard the VAC Statement setup at the Florida audio expo and always thought that was best of show but it’s difficult if not impossible to gauge how something will sound at home from what you hear at a show. So finally reached out to my local dealer and he arranged to have Kevin send us the complete setup for evaluation after CAF this year. I’ve had the setup here since CAF and to be honest once I heard it here at the house with my Wilson Alexx speakers it was an easy decision … other than deciding to write that check!
I’m listening to the demo gear one more weekend before it goes back to Kevin next week (huge thanks to Kevin and Scott Walker Audio for allowing me to audition this gear at home) and I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to my old setup between now and the time my VAC gear arrives. Ordered the Preamp in black with chrome knobs and ordered the amps with the Red top and black front with the chrome feet. Should look sweet. Going to get an HRS SXR rack to sit all this on since I already have some of the M3 Isolation platforms and also just recently purchased a Sonorus ATR-10 mikII which I’ve also had demo of for several weeks. Mine should ship in the next week or two so at least I’ll have that to play with until the VAC gear arrives. Here is the room with the demo gear … I’ll post new pics when all the new gear arrives with racks!

I’m listening to the demo gear one more weekend before it goes back to Kevin next week (huge thanks to Kevin and Scott Walker Audio for allowing me to audition this gear at home) and I’m not sure I’ll be able to listen to my old setup between now and the time my VAC gear arrives. Ordered the Preamp in black with chrome knobs and ordered the amps with the Red top and black front with the chrome feet. Should look sweet. Going to get an HRS SXR rack to sit all this on since I already have some of the M3 Isolation platforms and also just recently purchased a Sonorus ATR-10 mikII which I’ve also had demo of for several weeks. Mine should ship in the next week or two so at least I’ll have that to play with until the VAC gear arrives. Here is the room with the demo gear … I’ll post new pics when all the new gear arrives with racks!