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    • D
      dbastin replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      I'd say if you have anything wired inserted into the router it could (and IME does) affect SQ. For this reason I use a router with a...
    • D
      dbastin replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      Sorry folks, this is getting off topic but felt I should reply. I understood the context and my response relates to that context as...
    • D
      dbastin replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      Some might call it veiled when those artefacts are removed. I have experienced reducing noise in increments so much that what initially...
    • D
      dbastin replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      I am new to this thread and read most posts since the above by Kenny due his cross-reference elsewhere. There is some good discussion...
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