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      I did the reverse, I wanted to know if vinyl playback could be good enough to make me invest in a better turntable/tonearm/cartridge. I...
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      chuck reacted to Robnpg's post in the thread Boulder and ARC with Like Like.
      Boulder 2160 arrived this weekend. I am beyond happy I went ahead and made the decision to go for it. It was extremely tough to pull off...
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      chuck reacted to Robnpg's post in the thread Boulder and ARC with Like Like.
      Hey folks. I’ve compared the ARC160 to the Boulder 1160 and wow, what a difference. The 1160 is so much faster. I really don’t feel like...
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      As you have read so many articles on this topic, perhaps you could post a link to the best informed and accurate article? I don't see...
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      Well done, it is a great amp. You can scratch amp upgrades off your list. Any thoughts on maybe getting the matching 1110?
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      If you buy used, you might look into sending it to Boulder to make sure it is up to spec and, if not, bring it up to spec...
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      I had the 2060 on the floor. The 3060 came with a granite stand and I use that. I did not buy a special stand for either one.
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      I do, a 2060 I had for several years was converted to 30amp/240V. It was initially standard 110 and converted by the dealer when I...
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      Do you have time line for it? No hurry, it took me two years from when I decided to get the 3060.
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      I used a 30 amp 240V for the 2060 and of course the 3060 only works on 30 amp. It is pretty easy to switch Boulder amps from 120 to 240...
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      chuck reacted to dan31's post in the thread Boulder and ARC with Like Like.
      If you go 1160 or 2160 look at putting in a 30 amp line. Not sure if Chuck is using 30 amp but most say it makes a difference especially...
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      I had an ARC Ref40 preamp for ten years, paired with first a Boulder 2060 then the 3060. I switched to a Boulder 1110 about four years...
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      chuck replied to the thread Boulder and ARC.
      I would get the 2160 if it is at all doable. The 1160 is an excellent amp but not in the 2160 league.
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      chuck replied to the thread DAC recommendations.
      I had the Merlot before moving to the MPD8 about five years ago. The Merlot is a very good DAC if you can find one. The MPD8 is much...
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      chuck replied to the thread YG Acoustic Speakers.
      Seems that YG/Boulder took best of show at Munich, at least according to one Stereophile writer. Compared to the other systems at...
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