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      Regardless of what anyone claims, cable length is in no way related to the specified 100 ohm characteristic impedance of a direct attach...
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      DAC impedance is its characteristic impedance. It can't be measured with a simple ohmmeter and is unaffected by length. "Characteristic...
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      Skids, thanks for your feedback. I respect your point of view and agree that going after a reviewer expressing their honest opinion is...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      With the UTMOST respect to you and your decades of recording experience Bruce, it is not hard to find thousands of audiophiles who will...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      If the phase-noise performance of the Aurender is only -130dBc/Hz @ 10Hz offset, then there are a LOT of clocks out there for far less...
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      Superdad reacted to DasguteOhr's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      Excellent device, I have been using it for 5 years. Improves audio performance, whether computer or CD transport is connected, converts...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      Because objectively rubidium a cesium clocks have much poorer phase-noise performance. They are great for long-term frequency stability...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      You are referring to the extraordinary multi-functional Mutec MC3+ USB. We have sold several of them—to pair with a Mutec REF clock...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      Hi Rex: Yes, the EtherREGEN has always had a BNC for external 10MHz reference clock input. :) As for connection to a JCAT USB card...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      The REF10 Nano at $1,799 stacks up very well indeed! :cool: The only differences between it and the big 8 output REF10 ($3,599) and...
      • ref10_nano_01.jpg
      • mutec-ref10-se120-07.jpg
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      I think Martin has been operating for at least 15 years. His service and professionalism is first rate. (And I truly do not off such...
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      Superdad replied to the thread Clocks.
      Mutec of Germany produces some of the finest clocks available. They are used in studios and in fine music systems. Truly great...
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      Sorry, but I think it's all kind of silly since all the ports are the same and go to the same main switch chip on the ZyXEL GS-108B v3...
      • silent_angel_-_n8_network_switch_internal_stock__large_full.jpg
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      That's not correct. AudioStore/VortexBox UK has been an excellent dealer for Sonore, Small Green Computer, and UpTone for many years...
    • S
      $4,000 for a $20 with their mystery treatment? Good grief!:rolleyes:
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