WHo is she


WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
Who is she?

Yenne Lee- Autumn Leaves
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Greg, it's a beautiful piece, well interpreted and played with love.
I simply googled the name of the artist and the song's title you provided.
I sampled few till I found that one I posted above. I couldn't stop listening for the full seven minutes, and I enjoyed every single second. I was @ peace, pleasant feeling with world's memories.

I like the way you did it; simply posting "WHo is she
Yenne Lee- Autumn Leaves"

The rest is up to us in making new beautiful discoveries.
So it is to you that I say thank you.

It's going to be a beautiful day, with sparkles of light jazzy rain falling down from the covering clouds above in the sky.

Who is she

Eliane Elias - Blue in Green
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Greg, it's a beautiful piece, well interpreted and played with love.
I simply googled the name of the artist and the song's title you provided.
I sampled few till I found that one I posted above. I couldn't stop listening for the full seven minutes, and I enjoyed every single second. I was @ peace, pleasant feeling with world's memories.

I like the way you did it; simply posting "WHo is she
Yenne Lee- Autumn Leaves"

The rest is up to us in making new beautiful discoveries.
So it is to you that I say thank you.

It's going to be a beautiful day, with sparkles of light jazzy rain falling down from the covering clouds above in the sky.

Who is she

Eliane Elias - Blue in Green

Just got new laptop and headphones. I have a few growing pains. Resolution is high. Has me re-thinking digital. I really like Elaine. there is sort of a Brazilian Bosa Nova Quality. spring has sprung in Washington, DC.Cherry blossoms are in bloom.
For the dark side-Keep lying to me Donna Missal.
Are you freaking kidding me?
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There are three websites about her, this is the largest one:

It contains a lot, you can navigate around and find almost anything you want about Eva Cassidy.

She was a fabulous singer, I don't know many people who weren't emotionally transported by her voice.
You picked the right artist. ...Who is she

She is part of our music listening collection. She is larger in death than she was alive.

Greg, Who is she in your avatar?

Kristen Bell


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I think I keep rediscovering Eva Cassidy after being introduced to her work by our esteemed leader, Steve Williams.
Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell fell completely under my radar. I am binge watching House of Lies (available Showtime on Demand)
If it is not too creepy or pathetic, I got a little crush on her.:)
"Greg, aren't you too young for her? She's 37 now:)" I never was into skinny blondes, neither. Plus she is married with two kids. I refer you to the above music video," Keep Telling Me Lies- "Don't go f---ing with my fantasy." Anyway, I am having fun with it.
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She ain't no Marilyn Monroe or Mae West, She's pretty dam good. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous blonde actresses(some in the nude).There is no comparison.

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