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    • L
      Congrats! That is super exciting. I have heard the AG Trio G3s and dual bass horns...the first horn I have heard that really really...
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread Siltech Cables.
      100% agree. We have used Transparent on signal cables for close to 20 years consecutively. But power has always been Sablon Audio and...
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread Siltech Cables.
      Wow indeed! Definitely look forward to hearing all about this one! I have to say, the Siltech Triple Crown power cables are...
    • L
      Interesting...I have also read that there can be a more life-like fullness and foundational weight to the entire midrange (not just...
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.
      Thank you very much! Let me see if I can get a sweep. I think the one I have was from our other room. In this room, we are roughly...
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.
      I see you use the Wilson Crossover...do you prefer that over the CR1? If I were to consider dual subs, and experimenting with NOT...
    • L
      Good to know. Did you ever try the current Wilson Crossover?
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread top notch 4k projector.
      Thank you both! Sounds like the right choice for us. Now, of course, if I can figure out how to fix the X700 by myself (I have an...
    • L
      Fantastic. Thank you very much! Another great element of feedback we can file away as we think about the foundation of the system.
    • L
      LL21 replied to the thread top notch 4k projector.
      Thank you! Very helpful. Regarding JVC, for a 2.5m-3m screen do you think there is a big difference between just the pure image...
    • L
      Hi KevinM...saw you 'replied' to my post above...but no comments came thru? Perhaps they got lost when you hit Post Reply?
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      LL21 replied to the thread top notch 4k projector.
      We have a JVC DLA X700 (10 years old) that has developed a problem receiving signals properly...no image. Not sure whether to seek...
    • L
      Your sub specs indicate an ability to carry on down to 18hz...not sure at what level of db in a given room. That said, are you crossing...
    • L
      Wow that is fantastic. Congrats. Definitely the stacked RELs have inspired a lot of legend and for those who own them a lot of...
    • L
      On systems, none is perfect, and so it ultimately personal priorities about ranking what is more important. Personally, I have always...
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