Has Anybody Tried Crystal Cable Reference Interconnects And Power Cords?


Jan 13, 2022
Has anybody tried the Crystal Cable Reference line and give their impressions? I'm leery of silver cables as they are purported to have a lean and bright presentation.
hi - i use diamond reference pc and ic in my HT and i use DaVinci in my big system. I would not be worried about lean and bright with Crystal cables.

before i had DaVinci speaker cables i used Tara Labs Omega Evolution which are all copper. The crystal cables are smoother warmer and have way more coherence.

cant recommend highly enough
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hi - i use diamond reference pc and ic in my HT and i use DaVinci in my big system. I would not be worried about lean and bright with Crystal cables.

before i had DaVinci speaker cables i used Tara Labs Omega Evolution which are all copper. The crystal cables are smoother warmer and have way more coherence.

cant recommend highly enough
Thanks pweg that is great information. Do you know if the Crystal Ultra series are significantly better than the Reference series?
Thanks pweg that is great information. Do you know if the Crystal Ultra series are significantly better than the Reference series?
no not specifically ...... but if u want to upgrade then u need to look at art series

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