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    • Ligriv
      cleaning and listening to 70+ new to me (old-random other than alphabetized) pressings in my system these last 10 days or so, all...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Love Love.
      Vladimir Lamm recommended this specific combination to David Karmeli. There is more to the story, but sadly neither gentleman is here...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to bonzo75's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      That is because his is a one-woofer Altec. When extended to dual woofer that will not happen, as there will be two 15 inch woofers horn...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to morricab's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Exactly and after hearing a full weekend of horn orchestras it only reinforces that dynamics are the final frontier of audio...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to morricab's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Again, don't disagree with him...I think he is speaking from a lot of listening experience AND a critical mindset...this second part is...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to Amir's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      If you look at preamplifiers, dacs, phonostages you will see the output stage is almost class A. The most linear topology is Class A...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to the sound of Tao's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Freedom from reason… the half human half beast gods, the satyrs like Pan (as a god of music) are representations that we are more than...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to the sound of Tao's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Fantastic stuff thanks Tim… and yes it was extra kind of LVB to provide us with his Natural Sound Symphony. Love it when we get the...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to hopkins's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      He's got more to say about the topic in his section about dynamics, which he sees as the main limitation of audio systems ("their...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to Ron Resnick's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      I think we are talking past each other, perhaps because you are not recognizing that my objective of high-end audio is different than...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to hopkins's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Concerning SET amps, it is interesting to note that Arthur Salvatore, a big fan of (some) SET amps, has recently changed his speakers to...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to Rensselaer's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Saying the same thing over and over again achieves nothing, try a different approach if you sincerely believe what you are saying.
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to Rensselaer's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      This thread started as a documentary of sorts, by Peter as to how he was able to put together a system that gave him the sound he was...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to bonzo75's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Btw, horns are very popular on the lansing hiritage forum, audio karma, the old audioasylum, some UK and French forums, on facebook...
    • Ligriv
      Ligriv reacted to morricab's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      No, their aural memory is crap. I have hosted many demos with people coming from lots of different system types but there is often...
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