Furutech e-TP809e NCF and DPS 4.1 question


Nov 23, 2021
Hi Everyone,

I have old Furutech e-TP609e and Alpha-3 terminate with Fi-50. I'm thinking move to upper level improvement. Not sure which brand Im going to have, because no reviews about SQ differences between Furutech and other brands, such from AQ, Shuntaya…. Or other brand.

I can think the next upper level is e-TP809e and with DPS 4.1 cord, and maybe Flux-50, but not sure if this significant improvement. E-TP809e look like standard star wire, and DIY cable can be very questionable. On the other hand, AQ Niagara 3000 (which has similar price tag to 809) use more sophisticate design, same thing with AQ Hurricane.

I know Furutech is great and many expert admit that, but Im asking to know better, can someone have good experience with Furutech and other brand clear with details and what differences he found. Also, would i see major improvement with AQ Hurricane, or next upper level such Firebird.

And thanks to all.
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Hello M2M,

Furutech Flux-50 NCF Gold or Rhodium are no more available, e-TP809e too.
I know that AQ Niagara is smoking by Nordost QB8 II.
I like Furutech.
I have one Furutech Flux-50 NCF Gold or Rhodium for every source and preamplifier. I am not using it for my amplifier.
I have not tested e-TP809e. I use the Furutech Pure Power 6e NCF.
You can find some thread about it here.
It smokes my Isotek.
The Furutech Pure Power 6 NCF is a lot above than the Isotek including the Isotek Synchro Evo 3 powercord (connected to the Isotek Titan Evo 3 and Isotek Nova GII)...
There is no doubt.
I don't know Furutech DPS 4.1 cord. I use Furutech Nanoflux NCF for my amplifier and some Furutech FURUTECH FP-S55N LIMITED EDITION .
I prefer HMS suprema power cord for my clock.
I use Hijiri Nagomi, Takumi power cord. They are more musical than Furutech.

Hope this helps.
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Furutech is relatively easy: the more you pay, the better it gets. Not always the case with other brands. I am biased however, using the top of Furutech.
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Thank you all for great inputs.
About e-TP809e and Flux 50, i know both disconnect from manufacture, but still can be found online purchase.

I cant go for Furutech 6 NCF, not only because i cant afford its cost, but its design as well, its very difficult to manage cord connection on each side.
Thank you all for great inputs.
About e-TP809e and Flux 50, i know both disconnect from manufacture, but still can be found online purchase.

I cant go for Furutech 6 NCF, not only because i cant afford its cost, but its design as well, its very difficult to manage cord connection on each side.
The sound with the Furutech Pure Power 6E NCF is the bigger improvement I have in my system.
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