Best $50K speakers , Wilson Sasha V vs Magico S3 Mk3?

There is no best current $50k loudspeakers...
The problem is the synergy between us.
Us= loudspeakers + amplifier+ preamplifier+ source....
And after, you have the problem with the association with the cables....power cables too...
And ...the worst is the size of the room...I hope you have a big big room...
Good luck.
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Are there some feedbacks on Sasha V? In my coutry they will arrive in next days.
Has it already been possible to listen to them in Usa?
They should both be 15k speakers. Then they are both towards the top of their class.
At 50k they are audiophool fodder.

As @bonzo75 says, probably Devore 0/96 would easily be better sounding and at 15k not 50k.
There is no best current $50k loudspeakers...
The problem is the synergy between us.
Us= loudspeakers + amplifier+ preamplifier+ source....
And after, you have the problem with the association with the cables....power cables too...
And ...the worst is the size of the room...I hope you have a big big room...
Good luck.

All very true.

Auditioning at home is best for all those reasons, even though with speakers that generally poses practical difficulties. If you are lucky enough to be able to evaluate at home, be prepared to spend substantial time on dialing in speaker positioning.

Second best might be auditioning at a dealer, preferably with your own preamp, amp and source. Amp + speaker synergy is probably most important; at a minimum I would start there. Yet not every power amp works equally well with every preamp, thus combo is best. You could start with the dealer gear, and if you like the sound at all, ask if you can bring your own gear as well. Gear change also may require change in speaker positioning.

The option of auditioning at a dealer doesn't factor in the room at home, which indeed can be a major problem. In a too small room, with unfavorable ratios width to length to height, bass may be too much and boomy (be prepared to spend on room treatments), in a large room the bass of the speaker may run out of steam and supplementation with a subwoofer may be mandatory. And of course, the room can give issues in the frequencies above the bass as well.
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I had Wilson Sasha Daw and in my room they are perfect. Now I sold to buy Sasha V.
They should both be 15k speakers. Then they are both towards the top of their class.
At 50k they are audiophool fodder.

As @bonzo75 says, probably Devore 0/96 would easily be better sounding and at 15k not 50k.

Hahaha , A Devore would not be better sounding ..!

Between the two if you listen classical music mostly the WA will be best choice.

If you do go with the Magico add plenty power only amplifiers with a 2ohm rms rating should be considered ..! M

Hahaha , A Devore would not be better sounding ..!

Between the two if you listen classical music mostly the WA will be best choice.

If you do go with the Magico add plenty power only amplifiers with a 2ohm rms rating should be considered ..! M


no. I actually compared Devore to a 60k Lansche in same room (both required different amps to sound at their best) but the Devore to me was far better. And the Lansche is quite better than WA. But if you think size and weight of WA is better, that’s fine
Thanks ,

We did the Devore to Magico compare , its not close , like all speakers correct amplification for load is important . The Devore is a great entry to hifi level speaker, the Magico is just better cost a ton more
( not a magico fan ) the Magico is better on a wider variety of music with better drive and clarity at volume , where the devore falls apart . Like anything and everything else in Hifi , you can always find that one or circular recordings which favors one setup over the other , so i can believe on a particular classical piece the Devore betters , but not so on multiple different genre and at different levels ..!

Most tend to under power their Magico’s and their hifi system in general making for major fail .

The Magico is typically a 83db /1W/1M speakers do the math vs the Devore ..!


PS: Cant comment on Lansche as i havent done any compares or had enough listening time with one to comment . So far haven't heard one compelled enough to take home, so my verdict is still out on them , they are nice speakers thou ..!
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Thanks ,

We did the Devore to Magico compare , its not close , like all speakers correct amplification for load is important . The Devore is a great entry to hifi level speaker, the Magico is just better cost a ton more
( not a magico fan ) the Magico is better on a wider variety of music with better drive and clarity at volume , where the devore falls apart . Like anything else in Hifi you can always find that recording that find one setup over the other , so i can believe on a particular classical piece the Devore betters , but not so on multiple different genre and at different levels ..!

Most tend to under power their Magico’s and their hifi system in general making for major fail .

The Magico is typically a 83db /1W/1M speakers do the math vs the Devore ..!


what amp did you use on Devore? And what records?
Devore ,

Luxman and Vac tube .. !

What amps did you use on the WA or Magico when listening ..!

Both Digital and analog LP was used , you know like how most would listen with a Hifi system ..!
Devore ,

Luxman and Vac tube .. !

What amps did you use on the WA or Magico when listening ..!

Both Digital and analog LP was used , you know like how most would listen with a Hifi system ..!

ok, as I have mentioned before, I tried it with Jadis 100w integrated, riviera hybrid. Silvercore 833 20 watts (an amp I normally like) but like it only on NAF 2a3 in that room.

in another room, between airtight EL 34 which is 34 watts, and airtight 300b I preferred on the latter. Though with both it was better than the Cessaro Wagner.

in third, I did not like it on Kondo overture 30 watts

Magico I have yet to like., but if somebody likes Magico they will likely not like Devore
Yes, agree like anything else in HiFi ..?

What amplification have you heard Magico on ( not shows but private )

what amp did you use on Devore? And what records?

I spent several hours multiple times with the O/96 and O/93 speakers, connecting them to various amplifiers, including the Unison Research Simfonia and Unico 150, as well as trying them with the Moon 860 amp and 740 preamp. While I truly appreciate the sound of these Devor speakers, especially when paired with the Simfonia amp, I ultimately decided to pursue a different audio path that better aligns with my preferences.
some of the reasons I didn't choose the Devor speakers is similar to why I don’t choose horn speakers, despite I have a friend's that his horn speakers and SET amplifiers are reference high-end audio system for me.
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Yes, agree like anything else in HiFi ..?

What amplification have you heard Magico on ( not shows but private )


Vitus, Kondo, levinson, Alieno, Dagostino momentum’s, MBL, FM acoustics, symphonic line 300w.

i know and like Luxman as a low price good value SS amp but it will not be suitable for Devore imo. And based on the Jadis experience, the VAC will sound like another higher powered push pull amp.

it is the NAF 2a3 and airtight 300b category it needs. Speakers like Devore allow you to use a simpler chain which makes the whole system sing, if you apply same principles of using a higher powered SS or push pull amp there is no point in getting it
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Devores AN UK are for newbies / financially restrained audiophiles

the whole point of Devore is compromise until one can afford a horn. AN has varied cost, so why would someone get the higher priced AN instead of getting the horn? I would never have recommended Devore if it was 50k. The fact that it sounds better than many 50 or 100k speakers is different.
the whole point of Devore is compromise until one can afford a horn. AN has varied cost, so why would someone get the higher priced AN instead of getting the horn? I would never have recommended Devore if it was 50k. The fact that it sounds better than many 50 or 100k speakers is different.

I was only joking people should buy what they want .
Even if the curve has a suck out in the upper bass - low midrange and high freq drop off

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