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    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to tima's post in the thread Sme 3012 R with Like Like.
      Hi Shane - Yes I am although after roughly 5 months I've only had the Aidas cartridge mounted on it. I'm very pleased with that...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread Sme 3012 R.
      Tim, r u still using the SME 3012-R over the Kuzma 14P?
    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to tima's post in the thread Sme 3012 R with Haha Haha.
      Great photos!
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread Sme 3012 R.
      After spending a week with the Lyra Atlas Lambda SL on the SME 3012-R with SME headshell, I could not get the thing to sing. I sort...
    • XV-1
      Until you set up an analog source, then you may have another epiphany....
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread What's Spinning Tonight?.
      Saccades – Land Of The Hearth
    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to jeffreybehr's post in the thread PS Audio BHK 600 hybrid monoamps? with Like Like.
      Because I suffer from Audiofoolia, as MANY of us do.
    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to jcarr's post in the thread New Atlas Lambda with Haha Haha.
      No need to specially point out the FR-64S, as it is just one among dozens of tonearm models that I / Lyra have used over the decades.
    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to tima's post in the thread Sme 3012 R with Love Love.
      Since April this year I have a 3012-R Model II mounted on my GPA Monaco turntable. David set it up with me and showed me around the...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 reacted to DasguteOhr's post in the thread New Atlas Lambda with Like Like.
      OK, the main thing is that you are happy. I can say that a stable headshell do two things that Lyras love. 1. Energy transfer. 2. you...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread What's Spinning Tonight?.
      Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin – Ghosted II
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread New Atlas Lambda.
      Like anything, its a balance The Simplicity is not a bass heavy tonearm. Has bass, just zero fat. Very clean sounding tonearm right...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread Sme 3012 R.
      Hi Peter. thanks too soon to tell tbh. I have 10 years of listening to the Thales/Atlas so I have to lower that sonic bias before...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread New Atlas Lambda.
      Sounding good Ked. I set the cart up with the stylus guard, then realised I couldn't get te guard off due to the round lips of the SME...
    • XV-1
      XV-1 replied to the thread New Atlas Lambda.
      Hi Dasg I have read for over 10 years the resident SME expert recommending that the standard SME headshell is the best synergistic...
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