New experience with the dac of the gods - Lampizator Pacific


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2020
Czech rep
Yestarday I went to Warsaw to ger used Pacific version 2020 with vol. reg. balanced. I was very disapointed when I plugged it in. The dac went straight to my SE-833 monoblocs using vol. reg of Pacific. It was very bad, I was in disbelief, how can anyone listen to this, no guts, no bas, no energy. What the hell! I tried to use volume reg. of my amps., same thing I had to set volume very high to get some lousy sound. I was very unhappy, and thought I am going to return it asap. My Tambaqui was singing straight to the amps with amp ovol. reg. This was not, it was bad, very bad. But I was thinking why would anyone buy this and sing about it how great it this. Well 6am I got up instaled DAc along NAT Magnetic preamp. What a relief it was when I started to play my favorite test songs. Wow, wow, wow. Day and Night experience. Song after song, I could not sit still. What a beauty was coming out of Horning Agalme. Everything prior to this experience seems like a child play, now this is real music. I know now I need super super preamp to get even better. Maybe Magnetostat maybe, Allnic 7000-10000. Any thoughts about possible preamp contender? 20230628_173833a.jpg20231114_100137.jpg
Out of curiosity , now that the DAC has been running a little longer it would be interesting to investigate how it sounds again as a stand alone without the pre amplifier .

Addendum: I just read your post on a disparate thread referencing an impedance mismatch in your system, still it would be an interesting reference point to see whether the DAC has improved as a stand alone now that it has bedded in a little , unlikely but ?
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Out of curiosity , now that the DAC has been running a little longer it would be interesting to investigate how it sounds again as a stand alone without the pre amplifier .

Addendum: I just read your post on a disparate thread referencing an impedance mismatch in your system, still it would be an interesting reference point to see whether the DAC has improved as a stand alone now that it has bedded in a little , unlikely but ?
of course I will try it and let you know
of course I will try it and let you know

I have never heard any dac sound good straight in without a pre. the Lampi is my favorite dac, but I don't prefer it direct.

Regarding the NAT, Thundersnow has the Magnetostat. First with the Gg3, now with the Horizon.

There is another Lampi owner who has experience with the Allnic OTL and DHT top of the line preamps. Had the L9000 with the Pac

That said, if you do any of these experiments, you should have the KR 242, PX25, and the special 45s (globe anniversary 45 from EML) to roll. If you just try changing the preamps with one tube, you might not have the Lampi optimized in each state.
A quality pre amp for sure OP , enjoy the search :)
Had GG2, PAC and now Horizon with Tobian Soundsystem DHT preamp SC12 and it's a perfect match (for me)...
Enjoy Your PAC!
I am using a Hegel P30 preamp with my balance pacific using RK242,Rkrectifier feeding My HegelH20 amp.
I never liked any of my sources with variable VCs direct into the amps.
In my case Pacific (KR242) with volume control directly into Wavac 805m monos is shockingly good setup.
Cannot imagine it can get any better with preamp in-between. But maybe I should give it a try with some uber top preamp...
I am using a Hegel P30 preamp with my balance pacific using RK242,Rkrectifier feeding My HegelH20 amp.
I never liked any of my sources with variable VCs direct into the amps.
But have you tried the Pacific directly into the Hegel Amp and preferred it via the Preamp?
I have run teh Pacific and now Horizon direct to amps with great success. My monos are hybrid tube/SS… Perhaps a pre would improve things, but it is an expensive experiment indeed. I have thought about the matching AVM pre or Allnic. Now the Poseidon as a preamp only option is on my radar. But like @JSA I do not feel like I am missing anything. That said, you don’t know what you don’t know….
I have run teh Pacific and now Horizon direct to amps with great success. My monos are hybrid tube/SS… Perhaps a pre would improve things, but it is an expensive experiment indeed. I have thought about the matching AVM pre or Allnic. Now the Poseidon as a preamp only option is on my radar. But like @JSA I do not feel like I am missing anything. That said, you don’t know what you don’t know….
I have solemnly promised myself to stop with subsequent upgrades :mad:
Have tried Horizon twice but still prefer my Pacific.
High end preamp would be a very expensive venture.
For whatever reason there is a huge synergy (input impedance?) between Pacific and Wavac MD805s.
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Have tried Horizon twice but still prefer my Pacific.
May I ask what tubes were used in the respective DACs?
Yestarday I went to Warsaw to ger used Pacific version 2020 with vol. reg. balanced. I was very disapointed when I plugged it in. The dac went straight to my SE-833 monoblocs using vol. reg of Pacific. It was very bad, I was in disbelief, how can anyone listen to this, no guts, no bas, no energy. What the hell! I tried to use volume reg. of my amps., same thing I had to set volume very high to get some lousy sound. I was very unhappy, and thought I am going to return it asap. My Tambaqui was singing straight to the amps with amp ovol. reg. This was not, it was bad, very bad. But I was thinking why would anyone buy this and sing about it how great it this. Well 6am I got up instaled DAc along NAT Magnetic preamp. What a relief it was when I started to play my favorite test songs. Wow, wow, wow. Day and Night experience. Song after song, I could not sit still. What a beauty was coming out of Horning Agalme. Everything prior to this experience seems like a child play, now this is real music. I know now I need super super preamp to get even better. Maybe Magnetostat maybe, Allnic 7000-10000. Any thoughts about possible preamp contender? View attachment 119888View attachment 119889
Aries Cerat Impera II reference preamp.

BTW, are you selling the Horning speakers?
May I ask what tubes were used in the respective DACs?
Pacific - KR242 then T100 then EML AD1/N. On Horizon, I don't remember now to be honest. There are aspects where Horizon is better but overall Pacific still wins for me (and a colleague of mine who has similar setup i.e. Pacific+Wavac MD805m monos).
I have rather simple speakers i.e. Usher BE-10 DMD, he has got Avantgarde Trio and Destination Audio. Two sets of incredible horns.
Aries Cerat Impera II reference preamp.

BTW, are you selling the Horning speakers?
No, Horning are keepers, I start to adore them actually. Impera could be awesome, but it is now out of my range, spent too much money lately.
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I am looking at Allnic L7000, anyone using Allnic with Pacific? Your suggestions for preamp except Impra? I could spent up to 8000 euros for used at this moment
I am quite enjoying my Hornings as well...they also work very well at low volume.
Funny thing I just let my girlfriend listen Mike Oldfield this evening in such low volume and we were both thrilled how beautihul it sounds with my new dac from Lukasz. This was aling Horning my best purchase of my life.
Funny thing I just let my girlfriend listen Mike Oldfield this evening in such low volume and we were both thrilled how beautihul it sounds with my new dac from Lukasz. This was aling Horning my best purchase of my life.
I have the matching SATI 520b amp as well…a good one.

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