[please forgive my poor English]

No. Furthermore, I have never heard the CE-1 that you own. But two reviewers give us some clue.

I just see that two reviewers note a difference between the two models:
- French reviewer LeBeauSon tested the CE1 (not the CE1-TX). They noted that the CE1 (that you own) required the volume to be a little pumped up to "show" their qualities (do you confirm?)
- I note that Steve Guttenberg reports that the new CE1-TX can play very well already at very low volume. I am not sure Steve Guttenberg has ever heard/testd the CE1 you own.

If this is true, then:
If you live in a house, without direct neighbors, you probably don't care: you may crank up the volume with the CE1.
If you live in a block of appartments in town, as I do, it is a very different story; a CE1-TX might be preferable.

(Actually, I just heard the only CE1-TX pair touring in Europe (poorly partnered with Naim 200-series) as a "preview" at a dealer's. I listened to lieder (piano&voice), then 2 hours later I attended a lieder concert, 10th row, listening to exactly the same piece of music, facing the German barytone Benjamin Appl. Voices on the CE1-TX seem to be incredibly realistic and direct. Now, the home "context" -the appartment, the room, the...neighbors- have to be "prepared" for such a directness...)​

Amplifier question: I see you use a Devialet. Do Devialet/or yourself use a dedicated filter/impedance mapping (I don't know how to call that properly), that you downloaded, if only it has already been published for the TAD CE1? How would you describe its effect (with/without that "filter")?

Hello @orfeo_monteverdi ,

required the volume to be a little pumped up to "show" their qualities (do you confirm?)“
Yes - the CE-1 need a little Volume to „sing“…
But we live in our own house - with direct neighbors, but they are both extremely tolerant...

Your Question about Devialet - you mean SAM?
There is a profile for the CE-1 since some month - but I haven´t tried it yet.

Why Not? I use “Sweetroom“ of the 440pro with all 9 Filter-settings - and due a firmware/software bug with SAM only filter 1-5 are aktiv, the others will be ignored…
Maybe I will test SAM in the (near) future…

at, Tom
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I have listened to CE1 + Devialet 200 but it was not good

actually I listened to TAD CE1 + Vitus 025 , it was ok in small room , if you want full dynamics of TAD CE1 you should consider TAD M700 amplifier
Maybe you are right - but I am quiet happy with the 440pro (a big step above the 200!) paired with the CE-1.

A pair of M700 is “out of reach“ - sorry.
But a SIA-030 from Vitus (with DAC and Phono) could be my „endgame“ in the future - who knows…;)

atb, Tom
[please forgive my poor English]
My sense is that the reviewer described what he heard, and what he heard was connected to a reference of his own notion of instruments sounding in an agreeable, seductive manner. He was his own reference. You probably need to read multiple reviews from him to get some notion of what that is -- one review, at least that one review, is probably not enough to understand his values. [I underlined]
I can't agree with you more, @tima

Personally I get more out of comparisons that help me relate a system or component's sound to the sound of live acoustic music. [the bold is mine]
(I can't agree with you more)²

Yesterday I wrote a comment on Stereophile's page of the TAD CE1-TX review. Comment that I (provocatively?) entitled "A midrange more or less reminiscent of the best horns?", in which I developped similar views:

I attended a concert 120 min after the CE1-TX demo, where I listened to the barytone singing exactly the same music that I heard on the CE1-TX two hours earlier - of course, there are nonetheless many other variables: recording, concert hall acoustics is different from that of the recording studio, etc - we all know that.​
I attended roughly 35 live, unamplified concerts this season, in various concert halls, usually very good ones. Some are "historical" concert halls, which often sound slightly warmer and "comfortable". Others are contemporary concert halls (built in 2017, and 2020), designed by the stars of acoustic bureau, with the help of state-of-the art CAD and IRL validation techniques; those concert halls are generally more revealing, one could say "analytical" if it had no negative connotation, and they keep nonetheless a kind of "sensuousness" if technical details are properly setup. For instance the wooden floor of a concert hall built in 2020 had to be replace recently because it did not comply to the inital specifications, and absorbed too much energy in the bass (cellos). With the new floor in the hall, I recently heard amongst all Alexandre Kantorow, "Liszt's reincarnation" according to Fanfare. Unforgettable concert.​
I think such experiences, in various concert halls, despite that diversity, actually help me to fine-tune my "aural" compas and have much more assured evaluations facing the diversity of audio systems.​
Roger Skoff, in Stereophile, wondered recently where it all goes if people do no longer have connection with the "real" sound of music instruments, since there are PA systems everywhere now (The Music Problem, Roger Skoff, Stereophile Sep 2022)​

PS: I am a non-native speaker; I hope all this is nevertheless understandable.
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The addition of a black-enclosure variant attracts a broader range of audio enthusiasts
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Technical Audio Devices Laboratories, Inc. (TADL) today announced the TAD-CE1TX-K bookshelf-type speaker system as the newest addition to its Evolution Series of hi-fi audio components.

The TAD-CE1TX-K is a black-enclosure variant of the critically acclaimed TAD-CE1TX-WN with a wood-grain-finish enclosure, released in 2022. With the addition of the black-enclosure model, the TAD-CE1TX will attract a broader range of audio enthusiasts.

The TAD-ST2TX-K, which is an optional speaker stand designed for the TAD-CE1TX-WN, can be used for the TAD-CE1TX-K.
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1) Classy piano-black finish
The enclosure of the TAD-CE1TX-K has a classy mirrored piano-black finish, which is made possible by a meticulous and time-consuming process of painting, polishing, buffing, and fine-polishing completed by skilled artisans.
2) CST Driver delivers ideal single-point-source sound
The CE1TX boasts TAD’s proprietary CST Driver, which controls the directivity of the concentrically mounted midrange and tweeter over an extended frequency range from the point of matching phase. This culminates in clear and solid imaging, as well as natural sound field reproduction. The midrange cone controls the directional characteristic of the concentrically mounted tweeter to bring the phase and directivity of their output in line in the crossover region. The result is ultra-wide-range reproduction from 250 Hz up to 100 kHz by the CST driver alone, while achieving a natural attenuation characteristic and directivity pattern across all bands.
3) Tweeter featuring a beryllium diaphragm
The CE1TX uses a light yet rigid beryllium diaphragm for its tweeter, manufactured with our proprietary vapor deposition technique. We have applied our computer-analyzed optimization technique called Harmonized Synthetic Diaphragm Optimum Method (HSDOM) in designing the form of the diaphragm in order to achieve precise control of its divided vibrations and piston motions, which makes possible ultra-wide-range reproduction of up to 100 kHz.
4) Midrange featuring a newly developed magnesium diaphragm having a high internal loss
The midrange’s diaphragm is made of magnesium, which is one of the lightest metals and has a high internal loss—ideal characteristics for materials to be used for diaphragms. The application of hybrid chemical conversion coating and painting to the surface gives it additional hardness and a yet greater internal loss. The result is clearer, distortion-free midrange reproduction unaffected by unwanted resonance. In addition, resonance in the mid-to-high frequencies generated by interactions between the suspension and diaphragm is effectively controlled to achieve an even lower distortion and a greater transient response.
5) Woofer with a newly developed MACS II*diaphragm
We have refined the woofer diaphragm made of five layers of woven and non-woven aramid fabric to optimize the physical property of the shell-shaped diaphragm that integrates the center cap and cone into a single piece. The result is a richer and clearer bass and the smooth, coloration-free reproduction in the mid-to-low frequency range.
*Multi-layered Aramid Composite Shell Second Generation
6) SILENT* enclosure that combines strength and an outstanding vibration-dampening characteristic
The CE1TX comes in a SILENT enclosure, which combines sturdy birch-plywood braces with medium-density fiberboard (MDF) panels having a high internal loss to provide superb strength and an outstanding vibration-dampening characteristic. The addition of 10 mm-thick hard aluminum side panels further reduces the vibration of the cabinet down to a minimum. Moreover, acoustic absorbent chosen and placed inside the enclosure, based on meticulous analyses of internal standing waves, helps eliminate standing waves that would adversely affect the sound field and imaging performance of the speaker.
*Structurally Inert Laminated Enclosure Technology
7) Bidirectional ADS Port for rich, natural bass
The CE1TX has inherited the Bidirectional ADS Port from its predecessor. This ingenious design places slit-shaped ports (ducts) in both side panels with flared openings to the front and rear to allow air to flow smoothly through them. This design reduces port noise generated at high amplitude levels and keeps internal standing waves from escaping from the ports, resulting in a rich, responsive bass. The symmetrically placed port openings, both laterally and along the front-rear axis, cancel out vibrations from the port movement to deliver a natural bass.
My definition of the word "best," as applied to audiophile speakers, would include expressions like "extremely well-sorted" and "exposes everything" and "flawless tone." This thought struck me now because exactly these words passed through my head over and over during the hundreds of hours I spent listening with the TAD CE1TX's. These luxuriously appointed standmounts specialize in converting tiny signal currents into moving air with atomic-clock precision—all by itself, a captivating phenomenon to witness. But what elevated these new TADs to a level of performance I've rarely experienced from any speakers, anywhere, at any price is the coexistence of that atomic-clock precision with an innate ability to present instruments and voices in a most agreeable, seductive manner.

This TAD is the finest example of speaker engineering I've ever encountered. Absolutely Class A.
Amir, I have these CE1TX now for over a year. Paired up with M700S, for now the C2000 (C700 ordered), D700 and Linn LP 12 Klimax. I have a rather large living room, no neighbors to worry about. I have the option to go for a new pair of CR1TX, with very good trade in. Have you listened to both? The R1 is a bridge to far for me.
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Amir, I have these CE1TX now for over a year. Paired up with M700S, for now the C2000 (C700 ordered), D700 and Linn LP 12 Klimax. I have a rather large living room, no neighbors to worry about. I have the option to go for a new pair of CR1TX, with very good trade in. Have you listened to both? The R1 is a bridge to far for me.
Yes, I have listened to both CE1 and CR1TX.
In Evolution series I like CE1 very much.
In my opinion CR1TX is so beautiful and it needs more power than CE1 .
I think sound quality of CR1TX is better than CE1 .
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Yes, I have listened to both CE1 and CR1TX.
In Evolution series I like CE1 very much.
In my opinion CR1TX is so beautiful and it needs more power than CE1 .
I think sound quality of CR1TX is better than CE1 .
I have the M700S. And will add the C700, once available.
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