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    • Amir
      Amir reacted to Mike Lavigne's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      yes, these things are different......but the consequence to the music ends up being similar. i can agree on that. yes, that is what i...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Good question, I do not say black background is 100% equal to blocking micro dynamics. I think the effects of some electronic records...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Mike I think no one can test all audio equipments (like virtual grounds/ac cables/ac filters/…) in his home but most of us have checked...
    • Amir
      Amir reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Vladimir Lamm recommended this specific combination to David Karmeli. There is more to the story, but sadly neither gentleman is here...
    • Amir
      David's skills are not mythical. He has superior knowledge and experience, just like others who are good at it. Just ask his clients...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Some records are more live and some studio records have more silent backgrounds but if the listener feels the “black background” in...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      100% agree, we should avoid trying to denigrate other audiophiles
    • Amir
      Amir reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Mike, "under everyone's skin"? Really? Are you talking to both me and to Rensselaer (Mark)? You quote both of us but leave out his...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Thank you for description
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Ralph You designed class d amplifiers and otl tube amplifiers. Is there any similarity (sound) between these two types of amplifiers...
    • Amir
      this past Sunday morning i was seriously contemplating trying to win an ebay auction for an ERC (Electric Recording Company) 7 disc box...
    • Amir
      Amir reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      For me, natural sound is an ideal, but it is also achievable as I heard in four different systems in Utah and then elsewhere. If it...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I never attacked your posts and I never attacked any member in this forum. I am sorry for bothering you . I never said SET is more...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I do not claim high performance cone + SS systems can beat good 110db horn but the important factor for dynamics is AC power quality. I...
    • Amir
      Amir replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      If David @ddk was here then he could explain more about his idea about “Natural Sound”. For the first time David told me about “natural...
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